Luna, mesec, delni lunin mrk Foto: Reuters
Luna, mesec, delni lunin mrk Foto: Reuters

In 1839, Louis Daguerre first photographed the Moon.

In 1870, the construction works begin on the Brooklyn Bridge, one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.

In 1959, the Soviet Union launches their first spacecraft to the moon.

In 1968, American film actor Cuba Gooding, Jr. is born. He is best known for his Academy Award-winning role as Rod Tidwell in 'Jerry Maguire'.

In 1971, at a football match in Scotland the spectator's stand collapses, under which 66 fans die.


1971 - the album by George Harrison ‘All Things Must Pass' takes the No. 1 spot on the American charts. This was Harrison's first solo album after his career with The Beatles.

1981 - David Lynch, singer in the group The Platters David dies (1959 'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes').

1981 - Abba takes the No. 1 spot on the British albums chart with 'Super Trouper'.

2005 - Green Day are at No. 1 on the UK album chart with their album 'American Idiot'.

2007 - the song 'Crazy' sung by Gnarls Barkley sells more than 700,000 copies in Great Britain.


1936 - singer Roger Miller (1965 ‘King Of The Road’).



Leta 1699 se je rodila Marie Therese Geoffrin, ena od štirih lastnic salonov v Parizu, kamor so zahajali predvsem enciklopedisti, sodelavci francoske enciklopedije, ki je izhajala od leta 1751 do 1780.

Leta 1839 je Louis Daguerre prvič fotografiral luno.

Leta 1870 se je pričela gradnja mostu , enega najlepših mostov na svetu.

Leta 1959 so v Sovjetski zvezi izstrelili prvo vesoljsko ladjo proti luni.

Leta 1968 se je rodil igralec, Jr. Za vlogo Roda Tidwella v filmu 'Jerry Maguire' je dobil oskarja.

Leta 1971 se je na nogometni tekmi na Škotskem zrušila tribuna, pod katero je umrlo 66 navijačev.


1971 - album Georgea Harrisona 'All Things Must Pass' zasede vrh ameriške lestvice, to je bil njegov prvi solo album po karieri z The Beatles.

1981 - umre pevec skupine The Platters David Lynch (1959 'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes').

1981 - Abba zasede 1. mesto britanske lestvice albumov z 'Super Trouper'.

2005 - Green Day so na vrhu britanske lestvice albumov z 'American Idiot'.

2007- pesem 'Crazy' Gnarlsa Barkleya doseže v Veliki Britaniji najvišjo prodajo, kar 700,000 plošč so prodali.


1936 - pevec Roger Miller (1965 ‘King Of The Road’).