Foto: Pixabay
Foto: Pixabay

In 1785 Jacob Grimm, German writer, is born. He is known above all for his book 'Children's and Household Tales'. The book was published together with his brother Wilhelm.

In 1809 Louis Braille is born. He was the inventor of Braille, a system of reading and writing for the blind. At first the alphabet is represented by ten dots. With fifty different dots it possible to write every word and every punctuation mark.

In 1872 Matija Jama, the greatest Slovenian impressionist, is born.

In 1797 the first issue of Lublanske novice, the first Slovenian newspaper is printed.

In 1905 the Swiss-American physicist and mathematician Albert Einstein introduces his mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2.

In 1999 for the first time the new common European currency, the Euro, is presented to the public. On the 1. 1. 2002 the Euro replaces the national currencies in 12 Eurozone countries.


1957 - 'Singing The Blues' and Guy Mitchel are No. 1 on the British chart.

1960 - Marty Robbins and 'El Paso' are No. 1 on the American singles chart.

1975 - Elton John is No. 1 on the American singles chart with his version of the song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'.

1992 - Simply Red is No. 1 on the British singles chart with their song ‘Stars’.


1960 - Michael Stipe, singer with R. E. M. (1991 'Shiny Happy People').

1962 - Till Lindemann, singer in the German group Rammstein.



Leta 1643 se je rodil angleški fizik, matematik in astronom Isaac Newton, ki je odkril zakon gravitacije, s katerim je pojasnil gibanje planetov in Lune.

Leta 1785 se je rodil nemški pisatelj Jacob Grimm, znan predvsem po knjigi Otroške in družinske pravljice, ki sta jo napisala skupaj z bratom Wilhelmom. Leta 1809 se je rodil Louis Braille, ki je sestavil pisavo za slepe. Prvo vrsto abecede predstavlja deset znakov. S petdesetimi različnimi znaki je mogoče zapisati vsako besedo in vsako ločilo.

Leta 1872 se je rodil Matija Jama, največjih slovenski impresionistični slikar.

Leta 1797 je izšla prva številka Lublanskih novic, prvega slovenskega časnika. Pobudo je dal Žiga Zois, urednik je bil Valentin Vodnik.

Leta 1905 je fizik in matematik Albert Einstein objavil svojo znamenito enačbo E = mc2.

Leta 1999 so prvič predstavili novo skupno evropsko valuto Evro, ki je 1. 1. 2002 zamenjala državne valute v 12 državah evroobmočja.


1957 - Guy Mitchel je s pesmijo 'Singing The Blues' na vrhu britanske lestvice.

1960 - Marty Robbins e s pesmijo 'El Paso' na vrhu ameriške lestvice.

1975 - Elton John je na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice s svojo verzijo pesmi 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds'.

1992 - Simply Red so na 1. mestu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Stars.


960 - Michael Stipe, pevec R. E. M. (1991 'Shiny Happy People').

1962 - Till Lindemann, pevec v nemški skupini Rammstein.