Sara Isaković Foto: BoBo
Sara Isaković Foto: BoBo

In 1672 in Moscow, the Russian Tsar Peter the Great is born. He died without designating a successor, so he was succeeded on the throne by his wife Catherine I.

In 1870 the English writer Charles Dickens dies. His best known novels are David Copperfield, Oliver Twist and Nicholas Nickleby.

In 1935 Donald Duck first appeared in a cartoon.

In 1961 the American actor Michael J. Fox is born. Fox's roles have included Marty McFly from the Back to the Future trilogy.

In 1964 the American actor Johnny Depp is born. Depp starred in films Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Pirates of the Caribbean, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Rango.

In 1988 retired Slovenian swimmer Sara Isaković is born. In 2008 Beijing Olympics, she placed 2nd in the 200 freestyle.

In 2012 Slovene poet Ivan Minatti dies. He won the Prešeren Fund Award in 1964 for his poetry collection You Have to Love Somebody.


1963 - The Beatles are No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'From Me To You'. Lesley Gore is top of the American charts with 'It's My Party'.

1970 - the university of Princeton awarded Bob Dylan an honorary doctorate for his achievements in music.

1979 - The Bee Gees are at the top of the American charts with 'Love You inside Out'.

1984 - Cyndi Lauper is top of the American singles chart with 'Time After Time'.


1891 - American jazz composer, author of many musicals, Cole Porter is born. He wrote 'Night And Day', 'I Get A Kick Out Of You', 'Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye'.

1934 - Jackie Wilson, US soul singer ('Reet Petite').

1978 - Matthew Bellamy, guitar, vocals, keyboards in Muse, (2003 ‘Time Is Running Out’).



Leta 68 so gardisti strmoglavili rimskega cesarja Nerona, ki je nato naredil samomor. Neron velja za najbolj okrutnega rimskega cesarja, med drugim mu pripisujejo tudi požig Rima, za kar je okrivil kristjane.

Leta 1672 se je v Moskvi rodil ruski car Peter I. Veliki. Umrl je predenj je določil naslednika, zato ga je na prestolu nasledila žena Katarina I.

Leta 1870 je umrl angleški pisatelj Charles Dickens. Njegovi najbolj znani romani so David Copperfield, Oliver Twist in Nicholas Nickleby.

Leta 1910 se je rodil slovenski partizan in narodni heroj Tone Tomšič, ki ga je italijansko vojno sodišče obsodilo na smrt in ustrelilo leta 1942.

Leta 1935 se je Jaka Racman prvič pojavil v risanki.

Leta 1961 se je rodil ameriški igralec Michael J. Fox. Njegovi najbolj znani filmi so Vrnitev v prihodnost in Ameriški predsednik.

Leta 1964 se je rodil ameriški igralec Johnny Depp. Med drugim je igral v filmih Pirati s Karibov, Edward škarjeroki, Charlie in tovarna čokolade.

Leta 1988 se je rodila plavalka , ki je na olimpijskih igrah v Pekingu leta 2008 osvojila srebrno medaljo na 200 m prosto. To je bila prva plavalna olimpijska medalja za Slovenijo.

Leta 2012 je umrl pesnik Ivan Minatti. Ena njegovih najbolj poznanih pesmi je Nekoga moraš imeti rad.


1963 - The Beatles so na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'From Me To You'.

1963 - Lesley Gore je na ameriški lestvici s skladbo 'It's My Party'.

1970 - univerza Princeton je zaradi glasbenih dosežkov Bobu Dylanu podelila častni doktorat.

1979 - The Bee Gees so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Love You inside Out'.

1984 - Cyndi Lauper kraljuje na ameriški lestvici singlov s 'Time After Time'.

1993 - ameriška pošta je izdala serijo spominskih znamk, posvečenih glasbenim legendam Billu Haleyu, Buddyju Hollyju, Clydeu McPhatterju, Otisu Reddingu, Ritchieu Valensu, Dinah Washington in Elvisu Presleyju.


1891 - ameriški skladatelj jazza, avtor mnogih muziklov, Cole Porter. Pod njegovim peresom so nastale pesmi 'Night And Day', 'I Get A Kick Out Of You', 'Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye'.

1934 - Jackie Wilson, soul pevec ('Reet Petite').

1978 - Matthew Bellamy, pevec, kitarist, vodja skupine Muse (2003 ‘Time Is Running Out’).