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On demand • art

Izluščeno Radio Si Exclusive: MUSICVILLE artists co-create sustainable art in, with & for nature

20. 9. 2024

End of August, the Cmurek Castle in Trate standing on a cliff above the bridge over the Mura River ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - I Know EU - The Digital Services Act in Slovenia

25. 3. 2024

Today we talk about the implementation of the Digital Services Act in Slovenia with Darja Petric ...

Izluščeno Začel se je festival ART STAYS

10. 7. 2023

Najstarejše slovensko mesto že 21. let medse vabi vrhunsko produkcijo domačih in tujih ...

Spotlight Spotlight - I know EU - AI act

22. 11. 2023

Spotlight - I know EU - AI act

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT 04.10.2021: International Festival City of Women to strengthen social ties with art

4. 10. 2021

The International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women got under way on Saturday, Oct ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Texas Heartrbeat Act

6. 9. 2021

A new law banning abortions in the US state of Texas is being celebrated by some and strongly ...


17. 8. 2022

Pozdravljeni v oddaji Second hand. Danes se bomo osredotočili na veliko izgubo glasbene ...

My life, my music Supporting Act

28. 2. 2020

Supporting Act first came to my notice on social media and having listened I wanted to talk to them ...

Izluščeno Združenje DrogArt praznuje 20 let delovanja

19. 9. 2019

"Z različnimi programi in projekti predvsem na področju zmanjševanja škode zaradi uporabe drog ...

My life, my music Črt Butul

16. 9. 2018

This week I travelled to Piran to record a conversation with the chef (he uses the term gastronomic ...

Second hand SECOND HAND 14. & 17. 8. - ART NEVILLE TRIBUTE

14. 8. 2019

Pozdravljeni v oddaji Second hand. Konec julija nas je zapustila še ena legenda funk scene, Arthur ...

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