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On demand • french

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Land of dreams Meet Naser Gashi, a Kosovo-French citizen in Slovenia

11. 9. 2024

Today we talk to a French pastry chef in Ljubljana! Naser Gashi was born and raised in Kosovo, but ...

Dave's Thoughts 16.08.2023 - PARDON MY FRENCH

29. 8. 2023

Epizoda 67: Pardon my french

Land of dreams Meet Marie Therese Furic, a French woman in Slovenia

11. 9. 2019

This week in Land of Dreams we head to the French International School in Ljubljana to get to know ...

Land of dreams Meet Marion Foucart, a French in Slovenia

1. 6. 2016

Marion Foucart is a French music journalist living in Ljubljana. She met her Slovenian husband in ...

Land of dreams Meet Gregiore Vincent and L.B., a French man and a Slovak dog in Slovenia

5. 10. 2016

Meet Gregoire Vincent and his faithful dog L.B. A French man and a Slovak dog. They followed the ...

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