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Izluščeno Festival Front@ v Murski Soboti

27. 8. 2024

Murska Sobota bo ponovno postala središče mednarodnega plesnega dogajanja, v Gledališče Park se ...

Izluščeno Na Front@ v Mursko Soboto!

30. 8. 2022

Fronta, festival sodobnega plesa, bo v Murski Soboti potekal že sedemnajstič. Kaj bo ponudil ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems 2020 Finalist #1 - A soldier’s story from the Isonzo Front

3. 6. 2020

Slovenia's Hidden Gems 2020 Finalist #1 Slovenia's Hidden Gems is back! Season 3 has started and ...

Spotlight Spotlight 29.08. Front@ festival of contemporary dance

29. 8. 2018

Contemporary dance festival Front@ is in its 13th edition. Its artistic director Matjaž Farič ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems no.9 - Exploring Tolmin and the remnants of the Isonzo front

23. 5. 2018

We had two young girl friends from the Czech Republic testing a tourist offer in NW town of Tolmin ...

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