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EU minuta Slovenki Nini Gregori nov mandat na čelu evropske agencije za azil

15. 3. 2024

Slovenka Nina Gregori bo še pet let vodila Agencijo EU za azil, je odločil upravni odbor ...

Spotlight Spotlight - Nika Prevc wins Two Nights Tour

3. 1. 2024

Spotlight - Nika Prevc wins Two Nights Tour

Radio Si Offstage NINA BULATOVIX 12.04.23

12. 4. 2023

V oddaji OFFSTAGE tokrat zasedba NINA BULATOVIX! Izvedeli boste kaj in kako ter spoznali ...

RADIO Si Main Stage Nina Pušlar – pogovor

1. 12. 2022

Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Nina Pušlar – koncert

1. 12. 2022

Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

Izluščeno Začetek 10. edicije Letnega kina Silvana Furlana

28. 7. 2022

V devetih večerih bodo pod zvezdnatim nebom zaživele filmske podobe v Novi gorici. Od 28.7. tja ...


10. 5. 2023

Dobrodošli v oddaji Second hand. Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje sveže pesmi Importante ...

Study abroad What surprised Mina the most was that communication between students and professors is a bit more relaxed in Slovenia

28. 11. 2022

Mina says one of the things that surprised her the most was that she was given the keys to the ...

Izluščeno Nina Jelen v tekmi za najboljšo učiteljico na svetu

12. 3. 2021

Letos bo na tekmovanju za najboljšega učitelja sveta, ki se bo novembra odvilo v Parizu, prvič ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Schools and kindergartens reopen for the youngest in nine regions

25. 1. 2021

Nine Slovenian regions have entered the Covid-19 red tier. That means all of Slovenia except the ...

Land of dreams Meet Henri and Niina, a Finnish couple in Slovenia

27. 5. 2020

Henri and Niina found themselves under lockdown in Slovenia while traveling the world. They found a ...

My life, my music Nina Strnad

10. 7. 2016

Today’s journalism rarely offers a chance to get behind the face of many people in our society. ...

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