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Destination Slovenia Wes Schaeffer

4. 1. 2019

Wes Schaeffer is known across the world as a great speaker and has great insight into how to make ...

Destination Slovenia Wes Schaeffer

30. 12. 2018

Businesses must first go back to their beginnings and ask themselves why they ever even started, in ...

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Out of all the Slovenian dialects, Monika likes the Prekmurje dialect the best (12.07.2021)

12. 7. 2021

There are probably not many foreign students who fall in love with the Slovenian language so hard ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 4 Jan: Rapid antigen test available at some border crossings & airport

4. 1. 2021

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v ...

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Jasmin was born in Germany, went to high school in the UAE and is now studying in Ajdovščina (09.11.2020)

9. 11. 2020

Jasmin is one of the very few students to say that life for young people in their country is "more ...

Spotlight Spotlight - Best Fifa Football Awards 2018

26. 9. 2018

Spotlight - Best Fifa Football Awards 2018

Second hand SECOND HAND 23. & 26. 12. - ROBIN SCHULZ - ALANE / WES - ALANE

23. 12. 2020

Pozdravljeni v oddaji Second hand. Očitno je letos po arhivih brskala množica DJ-jev, med drugimi ...

Land of dreams Land of Dreams Special (Best of...)

6. 1. 2016

We go back memory lane to take a look at some of our guests and moments from our earlier shows... ...

Izluščeno Izluščeno 30.8. 2 del: Digitalizacija delovnih mest, grožnja ali priložnost?

29. 8. 2018

Število robotov se je v industriji v Sloveniji med letoma 2012 in 2016 potrojilo. Smo nad ...

Izluščeno Ozelenitev mest - zeleni sistem mesta Ptuj, Izluščeno, 8.11., 2. del

8. 11. 2018

Zelene površine v mestih izboljšujejo kakovost bivanja. Zeleni elementi v mestih imajo namreč ...

Izluščeno Ozelenitev mest - zeleni sistem mesta Ptuj, Izluščeno, 8.11., 1. del

8. 11. 2018

Zelene površine v mestih izboljšujejo kakovost bivanja. Zeleni elementi v mestih imajo namreč ...


2. 7. 2016

Hello and welcome to Second hand the show that gives you the background information on well-known ...

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