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Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Lina spent a semester in Maribor and now likes it there so much, she would consider moving there (02.08.2021)

2. 8. 2021

Lina knew that she wanted to travel after high school. However, she did not know that life would ...

Izluščeno BIGSCREEN - Baza slovenskega filma ponuja nov paket brezplačniega ogleda filmov

16. 4. 2020

Že v ponedeljek je Slovenski filmski center (SFC) v sklopu akcije Vsi (filmi) doma zagnal nov ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 15 Nov 2019: Slovenia's Hidden Gems 2019 wraps up

15. 11. 2019

With the Slovenia's Hidden Gems show, Radio Si proved that there are many other excellent and ...

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Jasmin was born in Germany, went to high school in the UAE and is now studying in Ajdovščina (09.11.2020)

9. 11. 2020

Jasmin is one of the very few students to say that life for young people in their country is "more ...

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Aline comes from Brazil, is studying in Portugal and is now spending a semester in Maribor, 15.06.2020

15. 6. 2020

Aline came to Maribor just before the coronavirus lockdown but says she wasn’t bored. In addition ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems no. 13 - Adventure in Idrija

18. 7. 2018

SLOVENIA's HIDDEN GEMS no. 13 takes us to the western mining and lace town of Idrija! Daughter ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems no. 18 - Getaway to the Red Planet

26. 9. 2018

No, it's not an escape to Mars! Our two scouts, David Heredero Zorza from Spain and his Slovenian ...

Im Fokus IM FOCUS - Festival narodnih noš in dediščine oblačenja Kamnik

6. 9. 2018

IM FOCUS - Festival narodnih noš in dediščine oblačenja Kamnik 6.9.2018

Izluščeno Izluščeno: Dnevi narodnih noš in oblačilne dediščine 6.9.2018

6. 9. 2018

Vsako leto je drugi konec tedna v septembru v Kamniku rezerviran za največji etnološki festival v ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems no. 16 - The Valley of Kolpa's Green Beauty

29. 8. 2018

Deyana Ivanova (BUL) & her boy friend Roman Medved (SLO) recently became part of wild, unspoiled ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems no. 15 - Among the Herdsmen on Velika Planina

15. 8. 2018

Two retired Geography teachers from the UK currently living in Goričko (NE Slovenia) said they ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems No. 5 Exploring the history, scenery and taste of Brežice

27. 3. 2018

This time, our show Slovenia's Hidden Gems takes us to Brežice and its surrounding area ...

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