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On demand • maribor

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - H2FLY 1st Hydrogen-Powered Flight Completed in Maribor

11. 9. 2023

The first ever flight of a liquid hydrogen-powered electric aircraft was successfully completed in ...

Spotlight Spotlight - 120 years Regional museum Maribor

15. 2. 2023

Spotlight - 120 years Regional museum Maribor

Im Fokus Im Fokus - 120 Jahre Regionalmuseum Maribor

7. 2. 2023

Im Fokus - 120 Jahre Regionalmuseum Maribor

Izluščeno V Mariboru se je začel mednarodni lutkovni festival z eno najdaljših tradicij

7. 8. 2023

Lutkovno gledališče Maribor bo do 27. avgusta znova gostitelj že 34. Poletnega lutkovnega ...

Izluščeno Filmska jesen v Lutkovnem gledališču Maribor

20. 10. 2022

Filmske nedelje (in sobote) se konec tedna vračajo v Lutkovno gledališče Maribor. Jesenski ...

Im Fokus Im Fokus - Puppentheaterfestival in Maribor

11. 8. 2022

m Fokus - Puppentheaterfestival in Maribor

Spotlight Spotlight - 33rd Summer Puppet Pier in Maribor

10. 8. 2022

Spotlight - 33rd Summer Puppet Pier in Maribor

Study abroad Emilija decided to study media communications in Maribor (27.06.2022)

27. 6. 2022

20-year-old Emilija says she was surprised at how quiet Slovenians speak in public compared to ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems#3 Rock'n'roll of tastes in Maribor

15. 6. 2022

Our 3rd show of this season took us to Maribor, Slovenia's 2nd largest city and its surroundings! ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - African Association Maribor

30. 8. 2021

The newly formed African Association in Maribor - Društvo Afričanov Maribor, aims to bring ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - 1st International School in Maribor

10. 1. 2022

Slovenia's second largest city Maribor will launch its first international school next year. ...

Study abroad Karol came to Maribor with the intention of staying for a semester, but ended up staying for a year (03.10.2022)

3. 10. 2022

Karol says that Slovenia and Poland are similar - both countries have mountains, lakes, a seaside ...

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