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Izluščeno Z javnim potniškim prometom do dolin in peš do višin

8. 8. 2024

Kako daleč se pa vi peljete s svojim avtomobilom, ko greste v hribe? Planinska zveza Slovenije in ...

Izluščeno Ta teden Gremo peš!

16. 9. 2019

Smo v tednu, v katerem se, bolj kot sicer, spodbuja kolesarjenje in hoja, kajti začel se je ...

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Ipek and Selim are Turkish students of computer sciences and journalism who came to spend a semester in Maribor (07.09.2020)

7. 9. 2020

Ipek and Selim say that on one hand, they like Maribor because it is much quieter than Istanbul, ...

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