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On demand • film

Izluščeno Vabljeni na 14. Festival gorniškega filma!

24. 2. 2020

Slovenci smo ljubitelji gora, ob vikendih radi planinarimo, naši alpinisti pa dosegajo izjemne ...

Izluščeno BIG SCREEN - KORPORACIJA- Novi film noir režiserja Mateja Nahtigala

5. 12. 2019

V Cankarjevem domu je bila v torek premiera novega slovenskega filma Korporacija, ki v ospredje ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - 15th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival

15. 7. 2019

The 15th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival is underway in Ljutomer and Ormož and will run ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 4 Mar: Protests & walkouts over Polanski's Caesar film nominations & awards

4. 3. 2020

Last Friday, women's rights activists protested outside a Paris concert hall where this year's ...

Im Fokus Im Fokus - Tage des deutschen Films

23. 10. 2019

Im Fokus - Tage des deutschen Films

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT 10.4.2019 - Unique underwater film studio opens in Belgium

10. 4. 2019

A week ago, a huge underwater movie studio opened in Belgium, just outside Brussels. Breaking ...

Izluščeno BIGSCREEN - Baza slovenskega filma ponuja nov paket brezplačniega ogleda filmov

16. 4. 2020

Že v ponedeljek je Slovenski filmski center (SFC) v sklopu akcije Vsi (filmi) doma zagnal nov ...

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