Najboljše alpske smučarke se bodo v veleslalomu in slalomu pomerile na mariborskem Pohorju 1. in 2. februarja 2019. Foto: SOJ RTV SLO/Katja Kodba.
Najboljše alpske smučarke se bodo v veleslalomu in slalomu pomerile na mariborskem Pohorju 1. in 2. februarja 2019. Foto: SOJ RTV SLO/Katja Kodba.

The World Cup race director inspeced the racing course and gave the go-ahead for the 55th Golden Fox. This year's giant slalom and slalom events will be held on Friday and Saturday, to allow skiers to head off to the World Championships in Sweden on Sunday.

Slovenia's best skier Ilka Štuhec will take part in Friday's giant slalom.