Today is Roma Holocaust Memorial day. In Maribor there will be a commemoration entitled The Night When the Violins Fell Silent.
A total of 71 Roma from Slovenia were among the 21,000 estimated to have been murdered in Auschwitz.
During the war, mass killings of Roma also took place in the former Yugoslavia.
The Roma Holocaust is remembered around the world on 2 August, the day in 1944 when over 3,000 Roma people were killed in Auschwitz.

Od sedemdesetih let naprej so vedno pogostejši primeri zgodovinskega revizionizma in celo zanikanja, da se je holokast sploh zgodil. Foto: EPA
Od sedemdesetih let naprej so vedno pogostejši primeri zgodovinskega revizionizma in celo zanikanja, da se je holokast sploh zgodil. Foto: EPA