The Health Ministry gave the go ahead to 13 municipalities, but testing will not start in all of them today.

In Ljubljana, it got under way in Congress Square at 8 AM. Testing also began in Celje and Nova Gorica at 10 AM and it is to get under way in Novo Mesto and Sevnica at noon. Mass testing will also take place in Maribor, Murska Sobota, Slovenj Gradec, Koper, Kranj, Velenje, Ptuj, and Lenart.

Marija Magajne from the health ministry said that those who want to get tested and do not live in these municipalities will be allowed to cross municipal borders in order to do so.

The screening will be free-of-charge and requires no prior registration. Those who wish to get tested need to bring along their ID and health insurance card. The results of antigen tests are usually available in approximately 15 minutes.

Foto: BoBo/Borut Živulović
Foto: BoBo/Borut Živulović