Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin in Michael Collins, Apollo 11 Foto: Reuters
Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin in Michael Collins, Apollo 11 Foto: Reuters

In 1923, in Parralu Mexican revolutionary and leader of the guerrilla movement in Mexico - Francisco Pancho Villa is killed.

In 1937, the Italian electrical engineer and inventor Guglielmo Marconi dies. He conducted research in radio technology and is credited with the development of telecommunications. For a long time his signals did not go beyond the reach of 50 km, which was sufficient for him to sell his first appliances to the Queen of England?

In 1901 Marconi succeeded to transmit the SOS signal over the Atlantic Ocean; he was consequently put down in history as the pioneer of radio technology.

In 1956 former Slovene female tennis player Mima Jaušovec is born. She is perhaps most notable for winning the 1977 French Open singles championship.

In 1962 Slovenian former ski jumper Primož Ulaga is born. He had nine world cup victories between 1981 and 1988.

In 1969, at 14:32 CET the Apollo 11 Man is launched. Man landed on the Moon for the first time at 21:17:40 CET. The astronauts were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. The first walk by two astronauts on another celestial body lasted two hours and 32 minutes.

In 1973, the Hong Kong American martial artist and action film actor Bruce Lee dies.


1965 - Bob Dylan's 'Like a Rolling Stone' is released.

1963 - Jan and Dean are at the top of the American singles chart with 'Surf City'.

1991 - EMF is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Unbelievable'.

1996 - Gary Barlow takes the No. 1 spot on the British charts with his song 'Forever Love'.


1933 - Buddy Knox, singer and writer (1957 'Party Doll').

1945 - John Lodge, singer in The Moody Blues (1972 'Nights In White Satin').

1945 - Kim Carnes, American singer (1981 'Betty Davis Eyes').

1947 - Carlos Santana, guitarist (1977 'She's Not There').


Leta 1923 se je v Trbovljah začela splošna rudarska stavka. 9.400 rudarjev je zahtevalo zvišanje mezd.

Leta 1923 je bil v Parralu ubit revolucionar in vodja gverilskega gibanja v Mehiki, Francisco »Pancho« Villa.

Leta 1937 je umrl italijanski elekroinženir in izumitelj Guglielmo Marconi. Raziskoval je v radijski tehniki in ima velike zasluge pri razvoju telekomunikacij. Dolgo časa njegovi signali niso presegali dosega 50 kilometrov, kar pa je zadoščalo, da je svoje prve aparate prodal angleški kraljici.

Leta 1901 je Marconiju uspel brezžični prenos signala SOS prek Atlantskega oceana, s tem se je v zgodovino zapisal kot začetnik radijske tehnike.

Leta 1956 se je rodila najboljša slovenska teniška igralka vseh časov Mirjana 'Mima' Jaušovec.

Leta 1977 je zmagala na OP Francije v Parizu. Osvojila je tudi mladinski Roland Garros in Wimbledon. Eno izmed svojih nabolj odmevnih zmag je dosegla leta 1974, ko je premagala Martino Navratilovo.

Leta 1962 se je rodil nekdanji smučarski skakalec Primož Ulaga. V svetovnem pokalu je zbral devet zmag.

Leta 1969 so ob 14.32 po srednjeevropskem času izstrelili Apollo 11. Človek je na Luni prvič pristal ob 21:17:40 po srednjeevropskem času. To sta bila Neil Armstrong in Edwin Aldrin. Prvi sprehod dveh astronavtov na drugem nebesnem telesu je trajal dve uri in 32 minut.

Leta 1973 je umrl hongkonško-ameriški igralec in mojster borilnih veščin Bruce Lee.


1963 - Jan and Dean sta na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov s 'Surf City'.

1965 - izšla je pesem Boba Dylana 'Like a Rolling Stone'.

1991 - EMF so na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Unbelievable'.

1996 - Gary Barlow zasede vrh britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Forever Love'.


1933 - Buddy Knox, pevec in pisatelj (1957 'Party Doll').

1945 - John Lodge, pevec v The Moody Blues (1972 'Nights In White Satin').

1945 - Kim Carnes, ameriška pevka (1981 'Betty Davis Eyes').

1947 - Carlos Santana, kitarist (1977 'She's Not There').