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My life, my music Andrej Korelič

21. 6. 2015

Andrej Korelič is well known as a part of our team behind Respect The Artist but he is also well involved, indeed a key player, in the running and organisation of a small studio right in the heart of Maribor. His love of music and abilities in making things happen has been a key part of an operation that goes back 10 years. Some great music and the inspiration of what a group of like-minded people can achieve when they work together.

My life, my music Andrea Centazzo

14. 6. 2015

Percussionist and Composer Andrea Cetazzo has had an amazing career starting in Italy visiting much of Europe and settleing down in America. He is in Slovenia to hold workshops with local percussionists at their invitation at a time that co-incides with the summer solstice and on Sunday 21st June he will perform and then be joined by 20 other musicians to build an energy of performance that will co-incide with the solstice. He tells a great story!

My life, my music Urban Centa - Programme Director - Laško Beer and Flowers Festival

31. 5. 2015

It may be a few weeks away but I wanted to discover what would be on the programme of this year's Laško Beer and Flowers Festival. Who better to ask than the Programme Director, Urban Centa. It's a BIG event with a BIG programme and every artist in this programme will be appearing at the show and LOADS more!

My life, my music Lawrence Davis

17. 5. 2015

A week ago Radio Slovenia took it's International Club on a visit to Brda to experience this wonderful wine growing region of Slovenia. While there it seemed a great opportunity to put all the guest names in a hat and draw one to be a guest on My Life, My Music. The person picked was Lawrence Davis and this show is a fascinating look at how he and his family have chosen to live in various places around the world and he also has experience of in living in an Eco Village, a concept which he and his Slovene girlfriend are planning to introduce to Slovenia.

My life, my music H. E. Sophie Honey

3. 5. 2015

For the 200th show in this series there had to be a special guest and as the first show was recorded with the then British Ambassador Hugh Mortimer it seemed only fitting to invite the present Ambassador. I have great pleasure is introducing Her Excellency Sophie Honey who explains her frist impressions of Slovenia and her new life with her partner and two children here.

My life, my music Kirsten Hempkin - English Lector

19. 4. 2015

Moving to another country may not be easy but Kirsten Hempkin did it 19 years ago and some of her relatives came too. She is now well established in Maribor and is an English Lector at Maribor University. Lots of interesting things to discover in this show and a taste of Scotland in the music

My life, my music Holger Postl

7. 4. 2015

Being the CEO of any company is hard but one where you are working in another country and your investors are from Asia must add many new pressures. This week's guest manages all this with a really positive approach and also has a very open relationship with his employees. He brings some great music to the discussion too.

My life, my music Holger Postl - CEO Tam Durabus

5. 4. 2015

Holger Postl is a CEO with a difference, making light of communicating with the system over the whole business of starting a new company integrated with a respected existing one and using Chinese money to do it. Further he likes to build relationships with his employees that ensure they can be a real part of the manufacturing and decision - making process. Don't miss this great example of management style and enjoy his great choice of music as well.

My life, my music Andrej Stopar

22. 3. 2015

You may not have a great understanding of the history and politics of Russia and from a Western European point of view perhaps it would help you if you did. This week's guest is just the man. Having spent 8 years as a correspondent in Moscow he has a real insight into the how and why. It's a great journey in music too so don't miss this one, it just might change you views.

My life, my music Rok Rozman

8. 3. 2015

Rok Rozman is well known for his athletic abilities both in ice hockey and at olympic level in rowing but now he has a new challenge. With some close friends he is taking on the world through adventures and discovering some less well known areas that need our attention. They are kayaking some pretty amazing locations around the world not just on the water but on snow too. Dont miss this inspirational conversation with some great music too.

My life, my music H. E. DR. Anna Elizabeth Prinz - German Ambassador

22. 2. 2015

Her Excellency Dr. Anna Prinz is very supportive of the Slovene - German relationship with a great wish to significantly strengthen the exchange of knowledge between the two countries. She is focused in the areas of research and the student experience in particular but has many other important comments to make about the need for a strong European Union. The show includes some great music including German tracks that may be new to the audience.

My life, my music Katarina Mala

8. 2. 2015

After 3 years of recoding and concerts Katarina Mala has decided that 2015 is the time to produce her first album. It was realsed on the 4th of February so it is just the right time to hear about her background and what really makes her music special.

My life, my music Restuarant owner - David Vračko

25. 1. 2015

If you really want to make your evening out special and you are waiting for a new food experience, open your mind and try Restuarant Mak in Maribor. David Vračko will change your view on what Maribor has to offer. No menu but the best of what is available on the day you go. Food prepared just for you. How does he do this? What does he want to achieve? Why? The answers can be found found in this programme and by going there of course!

My life, my music Restuarant owner - David Vračko

25. 1. 2015

If you really want to make your evening out special and you are waiting for a new food experience, open your mind and try Restuarant Mak in Maribor. David Vračko will change your view on what Maribor has to offer. No menu but the best of what is available on the day you go. Food prepared just for you. How does he do this? What does he want to achieve? Why? The answers can be found found in this programme and by going there of course!

My life, my music Playwright - Tone Partljič

11. 1. 2015

Teacher. writer, playwright, politician Tone Partljič has a fascinating understanding of the history and characteristics of Slovene people. When you talk with him you can quickly see why so many people respect him, but most remember his satirical writings as an important part of their history. Don't miss this great discussion!

My life, my music Godi Keller - Pedagog

28. 12. 2014

Do you really believe that every school offers the best way forward for your children? Perhaps you are not sure exactly what the various schools have to offer. Listen to Godi Keller and maybe you will realise that many of us really don't know enough about how the education of the young really works. Sunday 28th Dec at 1100am and Thursday 1st Jan at 2100.

My life, my music Saša Olenjuk

14. 12. 2014

The guest this week is someone very special, he simply calls himself a musician but as the lead violin of the Maribor Opera he is a real virtuoso.Starting his musical life as a guitarist Saša Olenjuk has performed and recorded many types of music with best of Slovene performers on both guitar and violin. Don't miss this show for some interesting points of view and some great music.

My life, my music Cafe Salso

30. 11. 2014

For a change this show is more about the life of a building than simply one person. In the main square in Maribor a prime site overlooking the river and the old parts of the city is a building that has had many lives. Built in 1913 and opened as a centre for many uses it was best known as Velika Kavarna or the Grand Cafe. it later became a casino and in 2012 was used as a centre for Maribor 2012 Capital of Culture. In many ways its new life follows that ideal. It is a cafe once more but also is showcase for fashion items, a centre for music evenings and lectures as well as hosting regular dances. Borut Wenzel. Martina Magdič and Sarita Zupanc lead me through just what that means.

My life, my music Tim Sikyea

16. 11. 2014

Tim Sikyea is a Native American who spends much of his life helping others rediscover themselves and Mother Earth. There is much to learn and understand here - go on, try to connect with Tim - what have you to lose?

My life, my music Actor Vlado Novak

2. 11. 2014

There cannot be many who do not admire the work of actor Vlado Novak. Awarded the Borštnik ring this year he has been applauded in many performances on screens small and large. This small peek into his life reveals some great strengths and clearly show why he is so popular.

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