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On demand • brexit

brexit brez dogovora brexit-deal #brexit highlights brexit gradiva brexit in ali bo kdo sledil britancem brexit party
Namesto tega išči:

Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special / Can the EU do this?: Kako povečati enotnost v EU?

17. 5. 2024Prebivalci Evropske unije bodo junija glasovali na evropskih volitvah. Zdi pa se, da je v uniji čutiti vedno več neenotnosti. Kako torej povečati enotnost v EU?


Radio Si Brexit talks move forward at meeting of EU-leaders

15. 12. 2017EU leaders are expected to formally agree to start the next phase of Brexit negotiations today.


Radio Si Cerar and Tusk held talks on border checks

29. 4. 2017Prime Minister Miro Cerar labeled the meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk as "very constructive".

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