Orlando Bloom Foto: EPA
Orlando Bloom Foto: EPA

In 1930 the hero of cartoon films Mickey Mouse appears for the first time in a comic strip.

In 1941 the Irish writer and poet James Joyce dies. His works greatly influenced the development of the modern European novel. His best known work is Ulysses.

In 1966 actor Patrick Dempsey is born.

In 1977 actor Orlando Bloom is born.

In 2012 cruise ship Costa Concordia runs aground at Isola de Giglio in Italy, with at least 32 deaths.


1962 - Chubby Checker with his composition 'The Twist' is No. 1 on the American music charts.

1968 - Johnny Cash played a show, which was recorded, for his forthcoming live album at Folsom Prison, near Sacramento, California in front of 2,000 inmates. 'Folsom Prison Blues' was one of the most famous recordings of his career.

1979 - Soul singer Donny Hathaway committed suicide (1971 single with Roberta Flack »You've Got a Friend«).

2010 - Soul singer Teddy Pendergrass died. He enjoyed early success with Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, whose hits included 'If You Don't Know Me By Now'.


1961 - Graham McPherson, singer in the group Madness (1982 'House Of Fun').


Leta 1610 je Galileo Galilei odkril četrti Jupiterov satelit Callisto.

Leta 1785 je prvič izšel časopis Daily Universal Register, ki so ga pozneje preimenovali v The Times.

Leta 1930 se je junak risanega filma Miki Miška prvič pojavil v stripu.

Leta 1941 je umrl irski pisatelj in pesnik James Joyce. S svojimi deli je močno vplival na razvoj modernega evropskega romana. Najbolj znano delo je roman Ulikses.

Leta 1966 se je rodil igralec Patrick Dempsey, leta 1977 pa Orlando Bloom.

Leta 2012 je luksuzna ladja Costa Concordia nasedla ob obali otoka Giglio v Italiji. V nesreči je umrlo 32 ljudi.


1962 - Chubby Checker je s skladbo 'The Twist' na vrhu ameriške lestvice.

1968 - Johnny Cash je v zaporu Folsom, blizu Sacramenta, nastopil pred 2000 zaporniki in posnel hit za svoj četrti album. 'Folsom Prison Blues' je bila ena njegovih najbolj uspešnih plošč.

1979 - soul pevec Donny Hathaway naredi samomor, leta 1971 je z Roberto Flack posnel pesem »You've Got a Friend«.

2010 - umrl je soul pevec Teddy Pendergrass. Pred solo kariero je delal v skupini Blue Notes in s Haroldom Melvinom posnel tudi hit 'If You Don't Know Me By Now'.


1961 - Graham McPherson, pevec skupine Madness (1982 'House Of Fun').