Foto: EPA
Foto: EPA

In 1859 in Paris, the French physicist Pierre Curie is born. Together with his wife Marie he was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903.

In 1886, the American poet Emily Dickinson is born.

In 1940, nylon stockings were available for the first time at Gimbels Department Store.

In 1940, the McDonald's restaurant concept is introduced in San Bernardino, California by Richard and Maurice McDonald.


1970 - 'Let It Be', The Beatles' last album is released.

1976 - The Rolling Stones with their album 'Black And Blue' are at the top of the most sold albums in the USA.

1982 - Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney are No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Ebony And Ivory'.

1994 - Blur scored their first UK No. 1 album with Parklife. The album featuredsingles 'Girls & Boys', 'End of a Century', 'Parklife' and 'To the End'


1937 - Trini Lopez, American singer ('If I Had A Hammer').

1951 - Dennis Fredericksen, singer in Toto ('Africa').

1953 - Mike Oldfield, British multi instrumentalist (1973 'Tubular Bells').



Leta 1773 se je v Koblenzu rodil avstrijski politik Clemens Wenzel Metternich. Bil je avtor zloglasnega absolutističnega režima, ki je zatiral nacionalna gibanja v Evropi.

Leta 1859 se je v Parizu rodil francoski fizik Pierre Curie. Skupaj z ženo Marie je leta 1903 dobil Nobelovo nagrado za fiziko.

Leta 1886 se je rodila ameriška pesnica Emily Dickinson.

Leta 1940 v ZDA na prodajne police prvič prišle najlonske nogavice.

Leta 1940 je bil ustanovljen McDonald's, ki je kmalu zrasel v največjo prehrambeno verigo na svetu. Prvo restavracijo sta odprla Dick in Mac McDonald v San Bernardinu v Kaliforniji.


1970 - skupina The Beatles je v ZDA izdala svojo zadnjo ploščo 'Let It Be'.

1976 - The Rolling Stones so z albumom 'Black And Blue' na vrhu lestvice najbolj prodajanih albumov v ZDA.

1982 - Stevie Wonder in Paul McCartney sta na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Ebony And Ivory'.

1994 - Blur so na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom Parklife, na katerem so tudi 'Girls & Boys', 'End of a Century', 'Parklife' in 'To the End'.


1937 - Trini Lopez, ameriški pevec ('If I Had A Hammer').

1951 - Dennis Fredericksen, pevec v Toto ('Africa').

1953 - Mike Oldfield, britanski kitarist in skladatelj ('Tubular Bells').