Photo: RTVSLO Foto:
Photo: RTVSLO Foto:

In 1910, in Skopje Mother Teresa, whose real name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, is born. In Calcutta, in 1950 she founded the Missionary Sisters. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. A missionary of Albanian descent, she became saint after her death.

In 1920, women in the United States won the right to vote.

In 1913, in Trieste the Slovenian writer Boris Pahor is born.

In 1954, in Jesenice Slovenian traveller and fighter for human rights, Tomo Križnar is born. For many years he has drawn attention to the situations in crisis areas of Africa, especially in Sudan's Darfur region.

In 1974, Charles Lindbergh dies. He was the first person to fly the Atlantic Ocean non-stop. He set out on the flight in 1927, flying from New York to Paris.


1965 - Sonny & Cher are at the top of the British singles charts with 'I Got You Babe'.

1978 - Frankie Valli takes the No. 1 spot on the American charts with 'Grease', which was written by Barry Gibb.

1995 - Seal is at the top of the American charts with 'Kiss From A Rose' from the film 'Batman Forever'.

2004 - Singer Laura Branigan died of a brain aneurysm (1984 ‘Self Control’).


1938 - English drummer Jet Black, one of the founding members of The Stranglers. He is now one of the oldest working rock drummers.

1948 - Valerie Simpson, singer in the group Ashford and Simpson (1985 'Solid').

1966 - Shirley Manson, singer with Garbage (1996 'Stupid Girl').



Leta 1778 so zabeležili prvi vzpon na Triglav. Vrh so osvojili Luka Korošec, Matevž Kos, Stefan Rožič in Lovrenc Willomitzer.

Leta 1910 se je v Skopju rodila Mati Tereza, s pravim imenom Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. V Kalkuti je leta 1950 ustanovila družbo Misijonarske sestre. Nobelovo nagrado za mir je prejela leta 1979.

Leta 1920 so ženske v ZDA dobile volilno pravico.

Leta 1913 se je v Trstu rodil pisatelj Boris Pahor.

Leta 1954 se je na Jesenicah rodil popotnik in borec za človekove pravice Tomo Križnar. Že mnoga leta opozarja na razmere v kriznih žariščih v Afriki, predvsem v Sudanu in pokrajini Darfur.
Leta 1974 je umrl Charles Lindbergh. Bil je prvi človek, ki je preletel Atlantik brez vmesnega postanka. Na pot se je odpravil leta 1927, letel pa je od New Yorka do Pariza.

Leta 2014 so se nogometaši Maribora v Glasgowu po 15 letih ponovno uvrstili v Ligo prvakov. Zmago nad Celticom z 0:1 je v 75. minuti prinesel zadetek Marcosa Tavaresa.


1965 - Sonny & Cher sta na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov z 'I Got You Babe'.

1978 - Frankie Valli zasede 1. mesto ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Grease', ki jo je napisal Barry Gibb.

1995 - Seal je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Kiss From A Rose'.

2004 - umrla je pevka Laura Branigan (1984 ‘Self Control’).


1938 - britanski bobnar Jet Black, soustanovitelj skupine The Stranglers. Trenutno je eden starejših, še aktivnih rock bobnarjev.

1948 - Valerie Simpson, pevka v skupini Ashford and Simpson (1985 'Solid').

1966 - Shirley Manson, pevka pri Garbage (1996 'Stupid Girl').