Michael Jackson, album Thriller Foto: Reuters
Michael Jackson, album Thriller Foto: Reuters

In 1908 British actor Rex Harrison is born. He won Oscar for the role of Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady.

In 1953 Josip Visarjonovič Stalin, Soviet party and state leader dies.

In 1953 in Moscow Russian composer Sergej Sergejevič Prokofjev dies. His best known operas are The Love for Three Oranges, War and Peace, The Fiery Angel.

In 1982 American actor John Belushi dies.


1963 - country singer Patsy Cline dies in a plane crash.

1983 - Michael Jackson rules the British charts with the song 'Billie Jean'. On this day also his new album 'Thriller' comes out; which is still the best selling album of all times.

2000 - Madonna went to No. 1 on the UK singles chart with her version of the Don McLean 1972 hit 'American Pie'.

2000 - Oasis went to No. 1 on the UK chart with their album 'Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants'.


1948 - Eddy Grant, British singer, who was also the creator of the group The Equals (1968 'Baby Come Back').

1958 - Andy Gibb, youngest of the brothers' group The Bee Gees. He died at the age of 30 due to heart stoppage.


Leta 1871 se je rodila nemška revolucionarka Rosa Luxemburg, ki je skupaj s Karlom Libknehtom ustanovila Komunistično stranko Nemčije. Bila je ena izmed voditeljic spartakovske vstaje, kjer so jo brutalno umorili.

Leta 1908 se je rodil angleški igralec Rex Harrison. Za vlogo profesorja Higginsa v filmu My Fair Lady je prejel oskarja.

Leta 1953 je umrl nekdanji sovjetski voditelj Josip Visarjonovič Stalin.

Leta 1953 je v Moskvi umrl ruski skladatelj Sergej Sergejevič Prokofjev. Njegove najbolj znane opere so Zaljubljen v tri oranže, Vojna in mir, Ognjeni angel.

Leta 1982 je umrl ameriški igralec John Belushi.


1963 - pevka countryja Patsy Cline je umrla v letalski nesreči.

1983 - Michael Jackson kraljuje na britanski lestvici s pesmijo 'Billie Jean'. Na ta dan izide njegov album 'Thriller', ki je najbolj prodajan album vseh časov.

2000 - Madonna je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'American Pie', s katero je leta 1972 uspel Don McLean.

2000 - zasedba Oasis je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants'.


1948 - britanski pevec Eddy Grant, član zasedbe The Equals (1968 'Baby Come Back').

1958 - Andy Gibb, najmlajši od bratov skupine The Bee Gees. Umrl je star 30 let.