Mila Kunis in Ashton Kutcher Foto: AP
Mila Kunis in Ashton Kutcher Foto: AP

In 1834 the Russian chemist and inventor Dimitri Ivanovič Mendelejev, who created the first periodical system of chemical elements, is born.

In 1864 Serbian philologist and linguist Vuk Karadžić dies. He was the major reformer of the Serbian language.

In 1885 American novelist Sinclair Lewis is born. He became the first American to receive the Nobel prize in literature.

In 1978 American actor Ashton Kutcher is born.

In 2011 American screenwriter and novelist Charles Edward Sellier dies. He is best known for creating the American book and television series, The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams.


1970 - Led Zeppelin with their album 'Led Zeppelin II' is at No. 1 on the British charts. On the album is also the single 'Whole Lotta Love', which stayed on the British chart for 136 weeks.

1981 - Kool & The Gang are at the top of the American singles chart with 'Celebration'.

1981 - John Lennon is at No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'Woman'.

1987 - George Michael and Aretha Franklin take the No. 1 spot on the British singles chart with the composition 'I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)'.

1987 - Madonna went to No. 1 on the US singles chart with 'Open Your Heart'.

1999 - Blondie went to No. 1 on the UK singles chart with 'Maria'.


1962 - Garth Brooks, one of the best American country singers ('Standing outside the fire').


Leta 1812 se je rodil angleški pisatelj Charles Dickens. V svojih romanih Oliver Twist, David Copperfild, Pusta hiša in Povest o dveh mestih je opisoval slabosti britanske družbe viktorijanske dobe.

Leta 1834 se je rodil ruski kemik Dimitrij Ivanovič Mendelejev, ki je sestavil prvi periodični sistem kemičnih elementov.

Leta 1864 je umrl srbski filolog in jezikoslovec Vuk Karadžić.

Leta 1885 se je rodil književnik Sinclair Lewis, prvi Američan, ki je dobil Nobelovo nagrado za književnost.

Leta 1978 se je rodil ameriški igralec .

Leta 2011 je umrl Charles Sellier, mož ki je zaslužen za knjigo, film in TV-serijo Življenje in čas Grizzlyja Adamsa.


1970 - Led Zeppelin so z albumom 'Led Zeppelin II' na vrhu britanske lestvice. Na njem je pesem 'Whole Lotta Love', ki je lestvici ostala kar 136 tednov.

1981 - Kool & The Gang so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Celebration'.

1981 - John Lennon je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Woman'.

1987 - George Michael in Aretha Franklin zasedeta 1. mesto na britanski lestvici s pesmijo 'I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)'.

1987 - Madonna je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Open Your Heart'.

1999 - zasedba Blondie je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Maria'.


1962 - Garth Brooks, eden najboljših ameriških country pevcev ('Standing outside the fire').