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Annunciamo Biden e le minoranze, il virus mutato, Italia e Libia, il Mandaloriano

22. 12. 2020Come ogni mercoledì vi portiamo alla scoperta delle notizie più interessanti dall'Italia e dal mondo con una particolare attenzione per il vicino FVG


News Non-essential stores to close again on Thursday

22. 12. 2020All non-essential stores that were re-opened on Saturday are to close again on Thursday.


News Several more non-essential stores and services reopened today

19. 12. 2020Shops selling technical goods, plants, trees, as well as shops with goods for installation, maintenance and repair services reopened today. Pet care services as well as some counselling and therapeutic services were also allowed to reopen today.


Croazia Record giornaliero di contagi nazionale e in Istria

10. 12. 2020Nelle ultime 24 ore sono stati registrati 4.620 nuovi positivi, nuovo primato giornaliero e 53 decessi per Covid, che porta il numero totale delle vittime dall'inizio dell'epidemia a 2.420. Peggiora la situazione in Istria con 91 nuovi casi.


News Government's coronavirus task force head says restrictions need to be extended

24. 11. 2020Bojana Beović, the head of the government's coronavirus task force, has announced that the group will this week propose the extension of existing restrictions.

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