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Coming up Ob svetovnem mesecu in dnevu Alzheimerjeve bolezni

20. 9. 2021Letošnja tema je pravočasna diagnoza, kajti pravočasno prepoznavanje znakov demence, diagnoza, ustrezno zdravljenje in način življenja pripomorejo k večji kakovosti življenja bolnikov in seveda njihovih svojcev.


Coming up Oddaja Euranet Plus, 15.5.

14. 5. 2021V oddaji Euranet Plus bomo preverili novosti in aktualnosti v Evropi in EU. Več pozornosti bomo namenili potrditvi evropske perspektive Zahodnega Balkana s strani zunanjih ministrov EU ter v drugem delu oddaje spoznali projekt #ClimateOfChange. Ob 11:20!


Coming up SPOTLIGHT, Jan 20th: Kiblix festival focuses on virtual worlds

20. 1. 2021Because of the pandemic, most aspects of our lives have had to migrate to the web during the past year. This is why the Kiblix international festival of Art, Technology and Science this year focuses on these virtual worlds.


Coming up SPOTLIGHT, Nov 27th: International Animated Film Festival Animateka to kick off in a couple of days

27. 11. 2020Like many other events, the International Animated Film Festival Animateka will this year take place online, but that doesn’t mean that the program will suffer in any way.


Coming up Oddaja Euranet Plus, 31.10.20

31. 10. 2020V oddaji Euranet Plus bomo tudi ta teden preverili vse novosti in aktualnosti v Evropi in Evropski uniji.


Coming up Oddaja Euranet Plus, 25.4.2020

25. 4. 2020Evropsko gospodarstvo je v primežu pandemije, rešitve so iskali na virtualnem vrhu voditelji držav članic EU.


Coming up Pred Dnevom žena: Unicefovo poročilo o položaju deklic v svetu

6. 3. 2020Poročilo navaja tudi, da je v zadnjem desetletju v srednješolsko izobraževanje vključenih celo več deklic kot dečkov


Coming up Vrata odpira 22.festival dokumentarnega filma

5. 3. 2020Vodja filmskega programa Cankarjevega doma Simon Popek je napovedal pester tekmovalni program.


Coming up SPOTLIGHT, 30 Oct: Aid groups warn of humanitarian crisis in Bosnia

30. 10. 2019Aid agencies, including the International Red Cross, are warning of a humanitarian disaster in Bosnia, with people facing a winter without proper accommodation.


Coming up SPOTLIGHT: 2019 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Abiy Ahmed Ali

11. 10. 2019The Nobel Peace Prize was today awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali "for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to ...

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