Letošnja vizualna podoba festivala prihaja izpod rok priznanega srbskega umetnika Ivice Stefanovića, profesorja grafičnega oblikovanja in dobitnika več nagrad na področju oblikovanja, ilustracije, karikature in stripa. Foto: Spletna stran festivala
Letošnja vizualna podoba festivala prihaja izpod rok priznanega srbskega umetnika Ivice Stefanovića, profesorja grafičnega oblikovanja in dobitnika več nagrad na področju oblikovanja, ilustracije, karikature in stripa. Foto: Spletna stran festivala

It will feature a total of 29 feature films, 10 documentaries and 53 short films from 29 countries. Six films will this year compete for the best feature film award the Vicious cat, the festival's main award. The accompanying programme will include a subcultural market place, book presentations, various performances, workshops and exhibitions. The festival's Animateka section will feature a screening of a selection of short films for children and youth. Six wines will meanwhile compete for the festival's wine prizes.

The festival will run until 14 July.