
The centre-left and centre-right blocs have lost their combined majority. There has been an increase in support for liberals, Greens and nationalists. The Greens exceeded expectations in the UK, Germany, France and Finland. The centre-right European People's Party (EPP) remains the largest bloc. It is expected to form a pro-EU coalition. Across the bloc, turnout was just under 51%, the highest in 20 years.

In Slovenia, turnout was just over 28%, among the lowest in the EU. Parties mostly expressed disappointment with the turnout. The conservative list of the Democrats (SDS) and People's Party (SLS) won three MEP seats, the coalition Social Democrats (SD) and Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) got two each and opposition New Slovenia (NSi) secured one spot in the European Parliament. 4 MEP’s were re-elected, four will be novices.