Roman Narkopolis nas popelje skozi zadeto poetično epopejo prvoosebnega pripovedovalca v zakulisku narkomanske scene v indijskem Mumbaju. Foto: Pixabay
Roman Narkopolis nas popelje skozi zadeto poetično epopejo prvoosebnega pripovedovalca v zakulisku narkomanske scene v indijskem Mumbaju. Foto: Pixabay

Koper Police revealed information about busting an international drug trafficking ring that smuggled drugs from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Italy.

The well-organised group trafficked cocaine, methamphetamine, heroine, hashish and cannabis via Croatia and Slovenia, on the so-called Balkan route.

The Koper Police department estimates that the cartel has illegally gained one million € with its activities

In Slovenia, the members would meet to arrange the time and place of drug smuggling across the border into Italy.

The deliveries would also be paid in advance on the territory of Slovenia.

Koper police has participated in the investigation since August, together with Italian, Croatian, Bosnian and Austrian police forces.

The investigation was concluded last Thursday in the area of Trento, Italy, when 18 suspects were placed in custody and five were sent in house detention.

During the operation, large quantities of drugs were seized in Italy, including 1.5 kilos of cocaine, as well as 12 guns.