PM Janez Janša was presenting Slovenia's EU presidency priorities to the European Parliament at a plenary session today.

According to him, the time has come for the EU to start acting more strategically, including in the Western Balkans: ''For our short-term future, the most important thing at the moment is to stop the pandemic and recover from it as quickly as possible, and to include the digital and green transition. For the good future in general, for the good future of our and future generations of Europeans, the most important thing is to talk openly about strategic dilemmas and find common solutions that will allow us to move forward.’’

Janša urged everyone to present their views on the European future as part of Slovenia's next priority - the Conference on the Future of Europe.

He was also joined by the EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and the EU Parliament President David Sassoli.

Foto: Reuters
Foto: Reuters