Prešernovim nagrajencem bodo nagrade podelili na slovesnosti, ki bo potekala 7. februarja, na predvečer slovenskega kulturnega praznika, Prešernovega dne. Foto: Arhiv RTV SLO/BoBo
Prešernovim nagrajencem bodo nagrade podelili na slovesnosti, ki bo potekala 7. februarja, na predvečer slovenskega kulturnega praznika, Prešernovega dne. Foto: Arhiv RTV SLO/BoBo

Slovenia's top lifetime honours for the arts will go into the hands of poet, playwright and translator Boris A. Novak and ballet dancer, choreographer and director Janez Mejač.

According to the jury, Novak has been playing a significant role in the Slovenian cultural landscape for 40 years, while the 81-year-old Mejač was honoured for the "immense" mark he left on the Slovenian ballet art scene of the 20th century.

The prizes will be conferred at a national ceremony on the eve of 8th Feb Culture Day, marking the death of Slovenia's greatest poet France Prešeren.