Ljubljana, Kranj and Velenje were picked for a collaboration within the European Commission's Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities 2030 Mission. 100 European cities will receive 360 million EUR in the next 2 years from the Horizen Europe program for encouraging transport participants to become climate neutral by 2030. They want to achieve this by promoting alternative fuel vehicles, public transport, car sharing and green roofs.

Osrednji in največji zeleni del Šišenske soseske 6 t. i.
Osrednji in največji zeleni del Šišenske soseske 6 t. i. "zeleno srce", ki mu grozi krčenje na račun novih gradenj. Velika oranžna zgradba sredi travnika je telovadnica OŠ Valentina Vodnika. Foto: Luka Počivalšek