An opposition liberal party convincingly won Sunday's parliamentary election in Slovenia, with almost all of the ballots counted.

PM Janez Janša's Democratic party gained two seats to 27, in the 90-member National Assembly, while opposition Freedom Movement won 34,6% support compared with the ruling conservative Slovenian Democratic Party with 23,5%.

The victory gives the Freedom Movement party 41 seats, the most won by any party to date.

Only five parties made the 4% threshold to enter parliament, the lowest number since independence.

Coalition talks are said to resume later this week. Analysts do not expect the winning party to have problems forming a government.

Volivci so prednostno glasovali proti aktualni vladi Janeza Janše in pri tem stavili na največjega izzivalca. Foto: BoBo
Volivci so prednostno glasovali proti aktualni vladi Janeza Janše in pri tem stavili na največjega izzivalca. Foto: BoBo