Green balloons for World Cerebral Palsy Day Foto: BoBo
Green balloons for World Cerebral Palsy Day Foto: BoBo

Today is World Cerebral Palsy Day and was marked with green balloons and gatherings in Ljubljana, Maribor, Slovenj Gradec, Koper, Celje, Krško and Novo mesto. According to the organizers of these events, the Cerebral Palsy Association of Slovenia Sonček, this disorder is the most common motor disability in childhood. At the gathering in Ljubljana, Sonček director Iztok Suhadolnik expressed his and the organizations' wishes and hopes that children with cerebral palsy could one day live at home, go to day-care centers and schools, and be able to live independent lives as adults. Cerebral palsy is a lifelong disability and affects around 17 million people throughout the world. With World Cerebral Palsy Day organizations like Sonček want to raise awareness about the disability and fight for equal rights, access and equal opportunities for people who have it, all around the world.