Maltežani pričakujejo, da se bo zaradi EPK število turistov, ki tudi sicer množično oblegajo otok s približno pol milijona prebivalcev, povečalo za sedem odstotkov. Foto: Reuters
Maltežani pričakujejo, da se bo zaradi EPK število turistov, ki tudi sicer množično oblegajo otok s približno pol milijona prebivalcev, povečalo za sedem odstotkov. Foto: Reuters

Today starts the opening week in the Maltese Capital with concerts, street art performances and other event in the streets of the city.

There are 4 main event sites in the town.

The authorities have invested substantial funds in the renovation of the city. A new Arts museum is to open during this time.

According to the organiser the programme will entertain and also provoke – but mostly inspire.

One of the highligts will be a spectacle on water in the port named “The pageant of the Sea”