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On this day 15 March

9. 3. 2018In 44 BC during a sitting of the senate in Rome, leader Julius Caesar is assassinated. In 1914 the Panama canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was opened.


On this day 23 February

21. 2. 2018In 1443, Matthias Corvinus, the king of Hungary is born. In 1685, the German Baroque composer Georg Friderich Handel is born. In 1821, the English poet and romantic John Keats dies in Rome.


On this day 21 February

18. 2. 2018In 1842 John J. Greenough patented the sewing machine. In 1878 the first telephone directory was published in Connecticut.


On this day 15 February

14. 2. 2018In 1564 in Pisa, Italian philosopher and physicist Galileo Galilei is born. 'And yet it moves' is a phrase he uttered before the Inquisition.


On this day 9 February

8. 2. 2018In 1881 in St Petersburg the Russian novelist, and representative of realism, Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski dies. His best known novels are Crime and Punishment, Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot.


On this day 6 February

5. 2. 2018In 1900 the international arbitration court is established in The Hague. In 1917 actress Zsa Zsa Gabor is born. In 1952 after the death of King George VI the British crown passes to Elizabeth II.


On this day 24 January

23. 1. 2018In 1458 Matthias Corvinus is proclaimed King of Bohemia and Hungary. In the legend he was known as King Matthias. In 1776 the German composer Wilhelm Amadeus Hoffmann is born.


On this day 21 January

19. 1. 2018In 1793 in Paris under the guillotine Louis XVI was executed. He was King of France from 1774 to 1792. In 1905 fashion designer Christian Dior is born.


On this day 19 January

16. 1. 2018In 1736 Scottish engineer James Watt, inventor of the first steam engine, is born. In 1809 American poet, author, representative of American Romantic Movement Edgar Allan Poe is born.


On this day 17 January

16. 1. 2018In 1706 in Boston the American scientist, writer and civic activist for the independence of the USA, Benjamin Franklin is born. He made the first lightening conductor and condenser.


On this day 16 January

16. 1. 2018In 1601 during the Counter-Reformation the Ljubljana Bishop Tomaž Hren and provincial governor Jurij Lenkovič called on all the people of Ljubljana who adopted the Lutheran faith and told them that ...


On this day 15 January

9. 1. 2018In 1622 French playwright and actor Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere is born. Among his best-known works are The Miser, The Imaginary Invalid, and The Bourgeois Gentleman.

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