Foto: EPA
Foto: EPA

In 1914 the Panama canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was opened. The canal is 18,6 kilometers long.

In 1943 the Canadian movie director David Cronenberg is born.

In 1957 the revolutionary, journalist and painter Moša Pijade dies. He was a co-founder of the Yugoslav Communist Party. In 1925, the editor of the ‘Komunist’ journal was sentenced to 20 years in prison for translating Marx’s Capital.

In 1957 the American animator David Silverman is born. He is best known for directing The Simpsons.


1945 - Billboard magazine began listing a top albums chart. The first was The Nat King Cole Trio.

1969 - Tommy Roe is at No. 1 on the American charts with the composition 'Dizzy'.

1973 - Roberta Flack dominates the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart with 'Killing Me Softly With His Song'.

1975 - The group T. Rex disbanded.


1912 - Sam 'Lightnin' Hopkins, American blues guitarist and singer; Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix took him as their example.

1941 - Mike Love, singer in the group The Beach Boys ('Good Vibrations').

1962 - pevec Terence Trent D'Arby ('Wishing well').

1975 - Will. i. am, singer in the group Black Eyed Peas ('Where Is The Love').



Leta 44 pr. n. št. so med zasedanjem senata v Rimu umorili Gaja Julija Cezarja.

Leta 1914 so odprli Panamski prekop, ki povezuje Atlantski in Tihi ocean. Prekop je dolg 18,6 kilometra.

Leta 1943 se je rodil kanadski filmski režiser David Cronenberg.

Leta 1957 je umrl Moša Pijade, revolucionar, slikar in novinar, soustanovitelj jugoslovanske Komunistične partije. Leta 1925 je bil kot urednik glasila Komunist obsojen na 20 let ječe, kjer je prevedel Marxov Kapital.

Leta 1957 se je rodil ameriški risar stripov David Silverman, najbolj znan po ustvarjanju pri seriji Simpsonovi.


1945 - revija Billboard začne objavljati lestvico najboljših albumov. Prvo 1. mesto zasede zasedba The Nat King Cole Trio.

1969 - Tommy Roe je na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice s skladbo 'Dizzy'.

1973 - Roberta Flack kraljuje na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov s 'Killing Me Softly With His Song'.

1975 - skupina T. Rex razpade.


1912 - Sam 'Lightnin' Hopkins, ameriški blues kitarist in pevec.

1941 - Mike Love, pevec v zasedbi The Beach Boys ('Good Vibrations').

1962 - pevec Terence Trent D'Arby ('Wishing well').

1975 - Will. i. am, pevec zasedbe Black Eyed Peas ('Where Is The Love').