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On this day 23 May

18. 5. 2018In 1906 the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen dies. His most important works are Nora, Ghosts, Enemy of the People, The Lady from the Sea.


On this day 20 May

18. 5. 2018In 1506 the Italian-Spanish seafarer Christopher Columbus dies. In 1609 the London publisher Thomas Thorpe published the first of William Shakespeare’s sonnets.


On this day 8 May

5. 5. 2018In 1828 the founder of the international humanitarian organization Red Cross, Henry Dunant is born. Today is World Red Cross Day. In 1877 in New York the first exhibition of dogs opens.


On this day 9 April

6. 4. 2018In 1821 the French poet Charles Baudelaire is born in Paris. His best known collection of poems is The Flowers of Evil.


On this day 6 April

4. 4. 2018In 885 St. Method, brother of St. Cyril, dies. Together they invented the Glagolithic alphabet. In 648 BC the old Greeks first describe a solar eclipse.


On this day 1 April

28. 3. 2018In 1713 the French ‘Sun’ King Louis XIV declared 1. April as the ‘Day of Fools and Liars'. In 1578 English surgeon and anatomist William Harvey is born.


On this day 27 March

20. 3. 2018In 1845 the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, who discovered the X-ray, is born. X-rays brought significant progress in the development of medicine.


On this day 8 February

8. 2. 2018In 1587 Mary Queen of Scots is beheaded as a result of involvement in a conspiracy planned by the English Roman Catholic nobility, who wanted to kill Queen Elizabeth I.


On this day 4 February

31. 1. 2018In 1789 George Washington is elected as the first president of the United States of America.


On this day 30 January

26. 1. 2018In 1882 Franklin Delano Roosevelt is born. Roosevelt was the only politician who was elected four times as President. In 1929 the Slovene film director Boštjan Hladnik is born.


On this day 15 January

9. 1. 2018In 1622 French playwright and actor Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere is born. Among his best-known works are The Miser, The Imaginary Invalid, and The Bourgeois Gentleman.


On this day 27 December

20. 12. 2017In 1571, German astronomer Johannes Kepler is born. He is best known for his eponymous laws of planetary motion. In 1822, French microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who discovered pasteurization, is born.

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