Foto: Reuters
Foto: Reuters

In 1822, French microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who discovered pasteurization, is born. He also developed vaccines against rabies, poultry plague and anthrax.

In 1901, Berlin born singer and actress Marlene Dietrich is born. She is best known for her role in the film Blue Angel.

In 1948, French actor is born.

In 2007, former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated.

In 2012, Slovene ultramarathon runner Ruth Podgornik Reš dies.


1969 - Diana Ross and the group the Supremes are No. 1 on the American charts with 'Someday We'll Be Together'.

1975 - Queen takes the top spot on the British charts with their album 'A Night At The Opera'.

1986 - American singer Jackie Wilson with the Christmas song 'Reet Petite' is No. 1 on the British singles chart. The song was used in the advertisement for LEVI'S jeans.


1941 - Mike Pinder, singer in the group The Moody Blues ('Nights In White Satin').



Leta 1571 se je rodil nemški zvezdoslovec Johanes Kepler, ki je postavil trditev o kroženju planetov okrog Sonca.

Leta 1822 se je rodil francoski mikrobiolog Louis Pasteur, ki je odkril pasterizacijo. Prav tako je razvil cepiva zoper steklino, perutninsko kugo in vranični prisad.

Leta 1901 se je v Berlinu rodila pevka in igralka Marlene Dietrich. Najbolj znana je po vlogi v filmu Plavi angel.

Leta 1948 se je rodil francoski igralec Gerard Depardieu.

Leta 2007 so umorili pakistansko političarko Benazir Bhutto.

Leta 2012 je na poti iz Krme proti Kredarici snežni plaz pokopal ultramaratonko . Leta 2011 je kot prva Slovenka prestala Špartatlon, dolg 246,8 km. Peklensko tekaško preizkušnjo od Aten do Šparte je pretekla brez počitka in osvojila drugo mesto.


1969 - Diana Ross je s skupino Supremes na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Someday We'll Be Together'.

1975 - zasedba Queen je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'A Night At The Opera'.

1986 - ameriški pevec Jackie Wilson je z božično skladbo 'Reet Petite' na vrhu britanske lestvice.


1941 - Mike Pinder, pevec zasedbe The Moody Blues ('Nights In White Satin').