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News Pogačar Wins Final Mountain Stage at Giro d'Italia to Cement Overall Victory

25. 5. 2024Pogačar finished more than 2 minutes ahead of the nearest group. He sprinted clear of the bunch around 35 km from the finish on the final climb, the Monte Grappa, passing Guilio Pellizarri of Italy, the youngest rider in the race.


News Pogačar Wins Queen Stage of Giro d'Italia in Spectacular Fashion

19. 5. 2024The stage, which was over 222 km long, began on the shores of Lake Garda and finished near the border with Switzerland. It incorporated the most climbing metres of any of the last 30 Grand Tours. Pogačar won in just under 6 hours and 12 minutes.


News Tour de France verlässt spanischen Boden

3. 7. 2023Die ersten drei Etappen der diesjährigen Tour de France fanden im Baskenland statt


News Pogačar Forced to Abandon Liege-Bastogne-Liege After Heavy Crash

23. 4. 2023Slovenian cyclist Tadej Pogačar suffered a heavy crash 85 km into the Liege-Bastogne-Liege race in Belgium. He was taken to nearby Genk hospital where he underwent emergency surgery on a wrist injury. He is expected to be out for a number of weeks.


News Tadej Pogačar gewinnt Andalusien-Rundfahrt

20. 2. 2023»Ich hoffe, dass ich mich in den nächsten Rennen genauso stark fühlen kann wie hier,« fügte Pogačar hinzu


News Tadej Pogačar gewinn Slowenien-Radtour

19. 6. 2022Der zweifache Titelverteidiger Pogačar geht mit seinem UAE Emirates Team siegesgewiss in die Tour de France.


News Slovenia's top cyclist Pogačar defends UAE Tour title

26. 2. 2022Slovenia's top cyclist Tadej Pogačar successfully defended his UAE Tour title today. By winning the seventh and last stage of the Tour, the 23-year-old also sealed the overall honors.


News First Slovenian business forum at Expo 2020

3. 10. 2021Slovenia will host its first business forum at this year’s Expo 2020 in Dubai.


News Roglič wins UAE tour

3. 3. 2019Slovenian cyclist Primož Roglič won the premiere UAE Tour. The race ended yesterday in the United Arab Emirates. Roglič was in the lead from the first to the last stage.


News Primož Roglič gewinnt UAE - Tour

2. 3. 2019Der Slowene Primož Roglič ist Gesamtsieger der diesjährigen UAE Tour. Roglič gewann gestern die Königsetappe und baute seinen Vorsprung in der Gesamtwertung auf Weltmeister Alejandro Valverde aus.

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