Drago Jančar Foto: BoBo
Drago Jančar Foto: BoBo

In 1906 in Dublin Irish playwright and novelist Samuel Beckett is born. His work offers a tragicomic outlook human nature, often coupled with black comedy.

In 1945 the Red Army wins victory in Vienna.

In 1963 the Russian chess player Gari Kasparov is born.

In 2001 the President of the Former Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević is arrested in Belgrade.


1967 - Nancy and Frank Sinatra take the No. 1 spot on the British music charts with their song 'Somethin' Stupid'.

1968 - Bobby Goldsboro is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Honey'.

1974 - Elton John is at the top of the American charts with 'Bennie and the Jets'.

2009 - Procol Harum's 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' is the most played song in public places in the past 75 years, according to a chart compiled for BBC Radio 2. Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody is second and 'All I Have To Do Is Dream' by the Everly Brothers is third.


1942 - Bill Conti, American singer ('Gonna Fly Now', Theme from Rocky).

1946 - Al Green, American soul singer ('Tired Of Being Alone').

1975 - Lou Bega, German singer ('Mambo No 5').



Leta 1735 se je v Ljubljani rodil slovenski jezikoslovec Marko Pohlin. Bil je eden od pobudnikov slovenskega knjižnega preporoda.

Leta 1906 se je rodil irski dramatik Samuel Beckett, avtor dela Čakajoč na Godota. S svojimi dramami je postal eden od utemeljiteljev gledališča absurda.

Leta 1913 se je rodil slovenski pesnik in pisatelj Vladimir Pavšič - Matej Bor.

Leta 1963 se je rodil ruski šahist Gari Kasparov.

Leta 1945 je Rdeča armada zavzela Dunaj.

Leta 1948 se je rodil slovenski pisatelj Drago Jančar.

Leta 2001 so v Beogradu aretirali predsednika nekdanje Jugoslavije Slobodana Miloševića.


1967 - Nancy in Frank Sinatra sta na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Somethin' Stupid'.

1968 - Bobby Goldsboro je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Honey'.

1974 - Elton John je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Bennie And The Jets'.

2009 - BBC in njegov Radio 2 sta sestavila lestvico pesmi, ki so jih v zadnjih 75 letih najpogosteje predvajali na javnih prireditvah. Na prvem mestu je Procol Harum s pesmijo 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale', na drugem zasedba Queen in Bohemian Rhapsody, na tretjem pa pesem 'All I Have To Do Is Dream' zasedbe Everly Brothers.


1942 - Bill Conti, ameriški pevec ('Gonna Fly Now' (Theme from Rocky).

1946 - Al Green, ameriški soul pevec ('Tired Of Being Alone').

1975 - Lou Bega, nemški pevec ('Mambo No 5, A Little Bit Of').