Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1769, in Berlin, important German naturalist and geographer Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt is born. He is considered the pioneer of modern geography and related disciplines.

In 1812, the French Emperor Napoleon I. Bonaparte with his military forces entered Moscow, but the Russians during their withdrawal burnt everything, thus making it impossible for Napoleon's army to spend the winter there.

In 1959, the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 as the first man-made product of its kind crashes on the Moon. Sensors indicate that the Moon is surrounded by a magnetic field or radiation belts. The spacecraft carried a metal plate with communist symbols - the hammer and sickle.

In 1947, the Northern Irish-born New Zealand actor Sam Neill is born. He starred in various films including The Piano, Jurassic Park, Merlin and The Hunt for Red October.

In 1960, at a meeting of representatives of the Petroleum Exporting Countries in Baghdad an agreement was passed on the establishment of OPEC, which is based in Vienna.

In 1982, Grace Kelly, Academy award-winning actress and Princess of Monaco dies in a car accident. She was the first actress whose face appeared on postage stamps.

In 2009, the American actor, dancer and songwriter Patrick Swayze dies. He starred in various films including The Outsiders, Dirty Dancing and Ghost.


1974 - Eric Clapton takes the No. 1 spot on the American charts with 'I Shot The Sheriff'.

1974 - Stevie Wonder is at the top of the American charts with his album 'Fulfillingness First Finale'.


1959 - Morten Harket, singer in the group A-Ha (1985 'Take On Me').

1983 - Amy Winehouse, British singer. She died in 2011 (2006 'Rehab').



Leta 1321 je umrl italijanski pesnik Dante Alighieri. Njegova Božanska komedija velja za največje literarno delo v italijanskem jeziku in svetovni literaturi.

Leta 1769 se je v Berlinu rodil naravoslovec in zemljepisec baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt. Velja za začetnika moderne geografije in sorodnih ved.

Leta 1812 je francoski cesar Napoleon I. Bonaparte s svojimi vojaškimi silami vstopil v Moskvo, ki pa so jo Rusi pri svojem umiku požgali in mu tako onemogočili prezimitev vojske in njeno oskrbo.

Leta 1947 se je rodil igralec Sam Neill. Igral je v filmih Klavir, Jurski park, Merlin in Lov na Rdeči oktober.

Leta 1959 je sovjetsko vesoljsko plovilo Luna 2, kot prvi človeški izdelek te vrste, treščilo na Luno. Plovilo je nosilo kovinsko ploščo s komunističnim simbolom - srp in kladivo.

Leta 1960 so na sestanku predstavnikov držav izvoznic nafte v Bagdadu sprejeli odločitev o ustanovitvi Opeca. Sedež ima na Dunaju.

Leta 1982 je v prometni nesreči umrla igralka in monaška kneginja Grace Kelly. Pokopana je v katedrali svetega Nikolaja v Monte Carlu. Bila je prva igralka, katere obraz se je pojavil na poštni znamki.

Leta 2009 je umrl ameriški igralec, plesalec in pevec Patrick Swayze. Igral je v filmih Umazani ples in Duh.


1974 - Eric Clapton zasede vrh ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'I Shot The Sheriff'.

1974 - Stevie Wonder je na vrhu ameriške lestvice albumov z 'Fulfillingness First Finale'.


1959 - Morten Harket, pevec skupine A-Ha (1985 'Take On Me').

1983 - pevka Amy Winehouse (2006 'Rehab'), umrla leta 2011.