Photo: BoBo Foto:
Photo: BoBo Foto:

In Moscow, the 1814 Russian writer and poet Mikhail Lermontov Jurjevič is born. He became one of the leading representatives of Russian Romanticism. His best-known novel is Hero of Our Time.

In 1844, the Slovenian poet Simon Gregorčič is born. He was called the 'Nightingale of Gorizia'. He mainly wrote patriotic songs.

In 1844, the German philosopher, critic and writer Fridrich Nietzsche is born.

In 1917, the Dutch spy Mata Hari was executed by firing squad in France under charges of espionage for Germany during World War.

In 1920, in New York one of the most famous writers of Mafia novels Mario Puzo is born. He is best known for the Mafia trilogy The Godfather.

In 2003, the Chinese send into the Earth's orbit the first Chinese manned spacecraft and thus following the U. S. A. and the Soviet Union became the third nation in the world to put a man into space.


1966 - at the No. 1 spot on the American charts is the group The Four Tops with the song 'Reach Out And I'll Be There'.

1988 - placed at the top of both the American and British single charts is 'Red Red Wine' by the group UB40.

2000 - U2 take the top spot on the world charts with 'Beautiful Day'.


1947 - Irish singer Chris De Burgh ('The Lady In Red').



Leta 70 pr. n. št. se je rodil rimski pesnik Vergilius Publius Maro - Vergil.

Leta 1814 se je rodil ruski pesnik in pisatelj Mihail Jurjevič Lermontov, eden vodilnih predstavnikov ruske romantike. Njegov najbolj znan roman je Junak našega časa.

Leta 1844 se je v Vrsnem pod Krnom rodil slovenski pesnik Simon Gregorčič, imenovan Goriški slavček. Pisal je domoljubne pesmi, njegova je pesem Soči.

Leta 1844 se je rodil nemški filozof, kritik in pisatelj Fridrich Nietzsche.

Leta 1917 so Francozi ustrelili najslavnejšo vohunko vseh časov Mato Hari. Med vojno je ljubimkala z vojaškimi osebnostmi obeh vpletenih strani in prodajala njihove skrivnosti.

Leta 1920 se je v New Yorku rodil eden najslavnejših piscev mafijskih novel Mario Puzo, najbolj znan po mafijski trilogiji Boter.

Leta 2003 so Kitajci v Zemljino orbito poslali svojo prvo vesoljsko plovilo s človeško posadko in tako po ZDA in Sovjetski zvezi postali tretja nacija, ki je v vesolje poslala človeka.


1966 - na vrhu ameriške lestvice je skupina The Four Tops s pesmijo 'Reach Out And I'll Be There'.

1988 - vrh ameriške in britanske lestvice singlov zasede 'Red Red Wine' skupine UB40.

2000 - U2 zasedejo vrhove svetovnih glasbenih lestvic s pesmijo 'Beautiful Day'.


1947 - irski pevec Chris De Burgh ('The Lady In Red').