Photo: Reuters Foto:
Photo: Reuters Foto:

In 1837, the Austrian mountaineer Johannes Frischauf is born. He earned great credit primarily as a mountain guide and describer of Slovenia's mountains.

In 1854, the Scottish born American inventor David Dunbar Buick, best known for founding the Buick Motor Company, is born.

In 1945, the first official act comes into force regarding the search for missing people and people who because of the war were forcibly moved from their homes. The D. P. form was printed a million copies. 700 people completed the form and registered about 100 tons of documents, which were collected by the Allies in 1948.

In 1944, the Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner is born.


1961 - Shirley Bassey is at the top of the British charts with the song 'Reach For The Stars / Climb Ev'ry Mountain'.

1994 - Whigfield excites the Brits with the single 'Saturday Night'.

1999 - Singer Frankie Vaughan dies ('Green Door').

2011 - Adele reigns at the top of the American charts with 'Someone Like You'.


1923 - Hank Williams, greatest country star ('Your Cheating Heart').

1962 - Baz Luhrmann, Australian film maker (1999 'Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen').

1968 - Singer Anastacia (2000 'I'm Outta Love').

1969 - Keith Flint, singer in the group Prodigy (1996 'Firestarter').



Leta 1826 se je rodil Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, ki je s svojim delom odprl nove smeri razvoja matematike ter njene uporabe v fiziki in mehaniki. Njegova geometrija je osnova splošne teorije relativnosti.

Leta 1837 se je rodil znani avstrijski alpinist Johannes Frischauf. Velike zasluge si je pridobil predvsem kot planinski organizator in opisovalec slovenskih gora.

Leta 1890 se je rodil slovenski pisatelj France Bevk, ki je na današnji dan leta 1970 tudi umrl. Napisal je mladinska dela Grivarjevi otroci, Tonček, Lukec in njegov škorec in Pastirci.

Leta 1944 se je rodil italijanski alpinist Reinhold Messner.

Leta 1945 je bil podpisan prvi uradni akt, ki se je nanašal na iskanje pogrešanih ljudi oziroma ljudi, ki so bili zaradi vojne preseljeni. Obrazce D. P. so tiskali v milijonski nakladi. 700 ljudi je urejalo in registriralo okoli 100 ton dokumentov, ki so jih do leta 1948 zbrali zavezniki.


1961 - Shirley Bassey je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Reach For The Stars / Climb Ev'ry Mountain'.

1994 - Whigfield navduši Britance s singlom 'Saturday Night'.

1999 - umrl je pevec Frankie Vaughan ('Green Door').

2011 - Adele kraljuje na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Someone Like You'.


1923 - Hank Williams, največja zvezda country-ja ('Your Cheating Heart').

1962 - Baz Luhrmann, avstralski ustvarjalec filmov (1999 'Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen').

1968 - pevka Anastacia (2000 'I'm Outta Love').

1969 - Keith Flint, pevec skupine Prodigy (1996 'Firestarter').