Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo

In 1536 the English Queen Anne Boleyn is thrown into the Tower. She is accused of adultery and witchcraft, so was beheaded.

In 1729 the Russian Empress Catherine the Great is born. Russia under her rule becomes a major European power.

In 1955 the American playwright Tennessee Williams earned the Pulitzer Prize for his play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

In 1983 Slovenian World Cup alpine ski racer and a double Olympic gold medalist Tina Maze is born.

In 1998 the European Central bank is founded in Brussels.


1957 - Elvis Presley records the song 'Jailhouse Rock'.

1963 - The Beatles are at the top of the British charts with their song 'From Me To You'.

1970 - Norman Greenbaum is No. 1 on the British charts with the song 'Spirit In The Sky. '

1983 - Spandau Ballet takes the top spot on the British charts with the song 'True'.


1946 - singer Lesley Gore (1963 'It's My Party').

1950 - Lou Gramm, singer in the group Foreigner (1985 'I Want To Know What Love Is').

1985 - British singer Lily Allen (2006 ‘Smile’).


Leta 1519 je umrl renesančni umetnik Leonardo da Vinci. Njegovo najbolj znano delo je portret Mona Lize.

Leta 1536 so zaprli angleško kraljico Anne Boleyn. Obtožena je bila prešuštva in čarovništva, zato so jo obglavili.

Leta 1729 se je rodila ruska carica Katarina Velika. Rusija je pod njeno vladavino postala pomembna evropska sila.

Leta 1955 je Tennessee Williams dobil Pulitzerjevo nagrado za dramo Mačka na vroči pločevinasti strehi.

Leta 1983 se je rodila Tina Maze, najuspešnejša slovenska smučarka, ki je zmagala v vseh petih disciplinah, kar ji je uspelo v eni sami sezoni.

Leta 1998 je bila v Bruslju ustanovljena Evropska centralna banka.


1957 - Elvis Presley posname pesem 'Jailhouse Rock'.

1963 - The Beatles so na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'From Me To You'.

1970 - Norman Greenbaum je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Spirit In The Sky. '

1983 - Spandau Ballet zasedejo vrh britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'True'.


1946 - pevka Lesley Gore (1963 'It's My Party').

1950 - Lou Gramm, pevec skupine Foreigner (1985 'I Want To Know What Love Is').

1985 - britanska pevka Lily Allen (2006 UK No. 1 single ‘Smile’).