
In 1766, Joseph Wenzel Radetzky, commander-in-chief of the Austrian army, is born.

In 1874, Winston Churchill, the British Conservative politician and prime minister is born. In 1941, he concluded a friendly treaty with the Soviet Union.

In 1950, George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist and writer of Irish descent, dies. Among his many works, the most famous is Pygmalion. The book was also made into a film called My Fair Lady.

In 1948, Harry Truman is elected president of the United States. He declared Truman's doctrine, according to which the U. S. should help nations threatened by communism.

In 1963, the Slovene president Borut Pahor is born.

In 1988, one of the first computer worms 'the Morris worm' is distributed via the Internet.


1969 - 'Sugar Sugar' by The Archies is No. 1 on the British singles chart; it remains there for eight weeks.

1991 - 'The Fly' by the group U2 takes the No. 1 spot on the British singles chart.

1985 - 'Part time Lover' by Stevie Wonder is at the top of the American singles chart.


1961 - singer Kathryn Dawn Lang, known as KD Lang (1993 'Constant Craving').



Leta 1755 se je rodila Marija Antoinetta, francoska kraljica, hči Marije Terezije. Leta 1793 so jo usmrtili na giljotini.

Leta 1766 se je rodil Joseph Wenzel Radetzky, avstrijski vojskovodja.

Leta 1874 se je rodil Winston Churchill, britanski konservativni politik in predsednik vlade. Leta 1941 je sklenil prijateljsko pogodbo s Sovjetsko zvezo.

Leta 1950 je umrl George Bernard Shaw, britanski pisatelj in dramatik irskega rodu. Med njegovimi številnimi deli je najbolj znan Pygmalion. V filmski različici 'My fair lady' je govor s pomočjo profesorja Higginsa vadila Audrey Hepburn.

Leta 1948 je bil Harry Truman izvoljen za predsednika ZDA. Razglasil je Trumanovo doktrino, po kateri bo naj ZDA pomagale narodom, ki jih ogroža komunizem.

Leta 1963 se je rodil sedanji slovenski predsednik Borut Pahor.

Leta 1988 je bil prek spleta razposlan prvi računalniški črv - Morris.


1969 - 'Sugar Sugar' skupine The Archies je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov, kjer ostane osem tednov.

1991 - 'The Fly' skupine U2 zasede 1. mesto britanske lestvice singlov.

1985 - Stevie Wonder je s pemijo 'Part time Lover' na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov.


1961 - pevka Kathryn Dawn Lang, znana kot KD Lang (1993 'Constant Craving').