Foto: Šahovski klub Ljubljana
Foto: Šahovski klub Ljubljana

In 1885 in Ljubljana, Slovenian chess grandmaster Milan Vidmar is born.

In 1941, Hitler ordered the attack on the Soviet Union. Within six months a very large part of the economic areas were captured - from where as much as 60% of coal, iron and aluminium came from.

In 1949 in New Jersey one of the most successful and best actresses of all time, and twice winner of an Oscar, Meryl Streep is born.

In 1964 the American writer Dan Brown is born. He is the author of numerous #1 bestselling novels, including The Da Vinci Code.

In 1987 the American actor and dancer Fred Astaire dies.

In 2008 American stand-up comedian, social critic and actor George Carlin dies. He was noted for his black comedy and his thoughts on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects.


1968 - Otis Redding is No. 1 on the British albums chart with Dock Of The Bay.

1969 - At the age of 47 singer and actress Judy Garland dies. In the film 'Wizard Of Oz' she sang 'Over The Rainbow'.

1985 - Bryan Adams is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Heaven'.

2008 - Coldplay is No. 1 on the British charts with the song 'Viva La Vida'.

2013 - 'Blurred Lines' by Robin Thicke is No. 1 on the US singles chart.


1936 - singer Kris Kristofferson, also author of the hits 'Me And Bobby McGee' and 'Help Me Make It Through The Night. '

1953 - Cyndi Lauper (1984 'Time After Time').

1961 - Jimmy Somerville, also singer in the group Bronski Beat (1984 'Smalltown Boy') and The Communards (1986 'Don't Leave Me This Way').



Leta 1757 se je rodil britanski raziskovalec George Vancouver, po njem je dobilo ime kanadsko mesto, ki leži ob Tihem oceanu.

Leta 1885 se je v Ljubljani rodil prvi slovenski šahovski velemojster Milan Vidmar. Bil je med zmagovalci na vrhunskih turnirjih po vsem svetu, leta 1940 tudi prvak Jugoslavije, bil je še mednarodni šahovski sodnik.

Leta 1941 je Hitler ukazal napad na Sovjetsko zvezo. V šestih mesecih je bil zavzet velik del gospodarskih središč, od koder je prihajalo veliko premoga, železa in aluminija.

Leta 1949 se je v New Jerseyju rodila ena najuspešnejših igralk vseh časov Meryl Streep.

Leta 1964 se je rodil ameriški pisatelj Dan Brown, ki je svetovno slavo dosegel z romanom Da Vincijeva šifra.

Leta 1987 je umrl filmski igralec in plesalec Fred Astaire.

Leta 2008 je umrl ameriški komik George Carlin, najbolj znan po politično obarvanem črnem humorju in pikrih opažanjih na temo jezika, psihologije in religije, pa tudi po temah, o katerih se še danes, če se le da, v javnosti ne govori.


1968 - Otis Redding je na vrhu britanske lestvice albumov z 'Dock Of The Bay'.

1969 - stara 47 let je umrla pevka in igralka Judy Garland. V filmu 'Wizard Of Oz' je zapela pesem 'Over The Rainbow'.

1985 - Bryan Adams je na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov s 'Heaven'.

2008 - Coldplay so na 1. mestu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Viva La Vida'.

2013 - Robin Thicke je s pesmijo 'Blurred Lines' na vrhu ameriške lestvice.


1936 - pevec Kris Kristofferson, tudi avtor uspešnic 'Me And Bobby McGee' in 'Help Me Make It Through The Night. '

1953 - pevka Cyndi Lauper (1984 'Time After Time').

1961 - Jimmy Somerville, pevec v skupinah Bronski Beat (1984 'Smalltown Boy') in The Communards (1986 'Don't Leave Me This Way').