Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo

In 1943, the Franja Partisan Hospital receives its first wounded.

In 1970, the World Trade Centre in New York City with its 411 meters becomes the tallest building in the world. In 2001 in a terrorist attack the Centre was demolished.

In 1973, after 73 days survivors of a plane crash in the Andes are rescued.

In 1990, in a plebiscite the majority of voters voted for an independent Slovenia. From 1997 this day is celebrated as Statehood Day.


1989 - Phil Collins is at the top of the American charts with 'Another Day In Paradise'.

1989 - at the No. 1 spot in England is Band Aid with 'Do They Know It's Christmas'.


1935 - Esther Phillips, American soul singer ('What A Difference A Day Makes').

1939 - English singer Johnny Kidd, singer in the group Johnny Kidd & The Pirates (1960 'Shakin' All Over'). In 1966 he died in an accident during a tour of England.

1964 - Eddie Vedder, singer of the group Pearl Jam ('Alive').



Leta 1875 se je v Vinici pri Sodražici rodil slovenski zgodovinar Ivan Prijatelj. Napisal je Kulturno in politično zgodovino Slovencev od leta 1848 do 1895.

Leta 1888 si je nizozemski slikar Vincent van Gogh v napadu blaznosti odrezal levo uho.

Leta 1943 je partizanska bolnišnica Franja sprejela prve ranjence.

Leta 1970 postane World Trade Center v New Yorku, visok 411 metrov, najvišja stavba na svetu. Leta 2001 so ga v terorističnem napadu porušili.

Leta 1973 so po 73 dneh rešili preživele v letalski nesreči v Andih.

Leta 1990 je na plebiscitu večina volilcev glasovala za samostojno Slovenijo.


1989 - Phil Collins je na vrhu ameriške lestvice z 'Another Day In Paradise'.

1989 - na 1. mestu v Angliji je Band Aid z 'Do They Know It's Christmas'.


1935 - Esther Phillips, ameriška soul pevka ('What A Difference A Day Makes').

1939 - angleški pevec Johnny Kidd, pevec zasedbe Johnny Kidd & The Pirates (1960 'Shakin' All Over'). Umrl je v nesreči leta 1966.

1964 - Eddie Vedder, pevec skupine Pearl Jam ('Alive').