Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1802, the Slovene mathematician Jurij Bartolomej Vega died.

In 1898, the New York born American composer George Gershwin is born. Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris and Porgy and Bess are three remarkable works that he created. In his musicals and compositions he brought together the rhythms of American jazz and European music.

In 1960, the Cuban President Fidel Castro, gave the longest speech in the history of the United Nations, lasting 4 hours and 29 minutes.

In 1988, the Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson had his gold medal taken from him after it was proven that he had taken prohibited stimulants.

In 2008, the American actor Paul Newman dies.


1964 - Roy Orbison took the top spot on the American singles chart with the song 'Oh Pretty Woman'.

1969 - The Beatles released 'Abbey Road'. The final studio recordings from the group also featured George Harrison song 'Here Comes The Sun'.

1987 - Michael Jackson is No. 1 on the US album chart with 'Bad'.

2003 - At the age of 54 English singer Robert Palmer dies ('Addicted To Love').


1925 - Marty Robbins, US Country singer (1960 'El Paso').

1945 - Bryan Ferry, singer in the group Roxy Music (1976 'Let's Stick Together').

1947 - Lynn Anderson ('Rose Garden').

1948 - Olivia Newton-John (with John Travolta 'You're The One That I Want').


Leta 1902 je umrl nemško-ameriški industrialec, izumitelj džinsa . Naredil je hlače, ki so že več kot stoletje najpogosteje oblečen kos oblačila. Po njem se tudi imenujejo - leviske. Strauss je ugotovil, da kopači zlata za svoje trdo delo potrebujejo trpežne hlače. Prve hlače je dal izdelati iz šotorskih kril, bile so rjave in so se nosile z naramnicami. Surovino je kmalu zamenjal z denimom, tkanino iz bombaža, pobarvano modro z indigom.

Leta 1802 je umrl slovenski matematik, baron Jurij Vega.

Leta 1898 se je v New Yorku rodil ameriški skladatelj George Gershwin. Rapsodija v modrem, Amerikanec v Parizu in Porgy in Bess so dela, v katerih je združil ritem ameriškega jazza in evropske glasbe.

Leta 1960 je imel kubanski predsednik Fidel Castro najdaljši govor v vsej zgodovini ZN, ki je trajal kar 4 ure in 29 minut.

Leta 1988 so kanadskemu sprinterju Benu Johnsonu odvzeli zlato olimpijsko medaljo po tem, ko so mu dokazali jemanje nedovoljenih poživil.

Leta 2008 je umrl igralec Paul Newman.


1964 - Roy Orbison je s pesmijo 'Oh Pretty Woman' na vrhu ameriške lestvice.

1969 - The Beatles izdajo album 'Abbey Road'. Na njem je tudi pesem 'Here Comes The Sun'.

1987 - Michael Jackson je na vrhu ameriške lestvice albumov z 'Bad'.

2003 - star 54 let je umrl angleški pevec Robert Palmer ('Addicted To Love').


1925 - Marty Robbins, US Country singer (1960 'El Paso').

1945 - Bryan Ferry, pevec skupine Roxy Music (1976 'Let's Stick Together').

1947 - Lynn Anderson ('Rose Garden').

1948 - Olivia Newton-John (z Johnom Travolto 'You're The One That I Want').