Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1904, the Slovenian poet, writer, translator and essayist Edvard Kocbek is born. He is considered one of the best Slovene poets after France Prešeren.

In 1917, the French artist Edgar Degas died. He was famous for his paintings, sculptures and drawings of the subjects of dance.

In 1940, in Berlin the Triple Pact is signed between the German Reich, Italy and Japan, also known as the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo. It was a pact through which they wanted to prevent the entry of the United States into the war.

In 1974, the American actress Gwyneth Paltrow is born.


1968 - In the No. 1 spot on the American and British singles charts is Mary Hopkins with the song 'Those Were The Days'.

1980 - David Bowie is at the top of the UK charts with his album 'Scary Monsters And Supercreeps'. The album featured the singles 'Ashes to Ashes and 'Fashion'.

1986 - The best sold album of the year is 'Dancing On The Ceiling' by Lionel Richie.

1986 - The Beatles' 'Twist and Shout' re-entered the US singles chart over 25 years after it first appeared.

1998 - The Manic Street Preachers is at the top of the UK charts with their album 'This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours'.


1947 - American singer Marvin Lee Aday, better known as Meat Loaf (1993 'I'd Do Anything For Love But I Won't Do That').

1984 - Canadian rocker Avril Lavigne ('Complicated').



Leta 1825 je med Darlingtonom in Stocktonom v Angliji začela obratovati prva železniška proga na svetu. Na prvi vožnji je vlak, ki ga je vlekla parna lokomotiva, vozil kar sam izumitelj George Stephenson.

Leta 1904 se je rodil slovenski pesnik, pisatelj in esejist Edvard Kocbek.

Leta 1917 je umrl francoski impresionistični slikar Edgar Degas. Pri svojem ustvarjanju je najraje upodabljal prizore iz plesa in konjskih dirk.

Leta 1940 je bil v Berlinu podpisan trojni pakt med Nemškim rajhom, Italijo in Japonsko, imenovan tudi Rim-Berlin-Tokio, s katerim so želeli preprečiti vstop ZDA v vojno.

Leta 1974 se je rodila ameriška igralka Gwyneth Paltrow.


1968 - na 1. mestu ameriške in britanske lestvice singlov je Mary Hopkin s skladbo 'Those Were The Days'.

1980 - David Bowie je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Scary Monsters And Supercreeps', na katerem sta tudi 'Ashes to Ashes' in 'Fashion'.

1986 - najbolj prodajan album leta je 'Dancing On The Ceiling' Lionela Richieja.

1986 - The Beatles so se po več kot 25 letih ponovno uvrstili na ameriško lestvico s spesmijo 'Twist and Shout'.

1998 - The Manic Street Preachers so na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours'.


1947 - ameriški pevec Marvin Lee Aday, bolj znan kot Meat Loaf (1993 'I'd Do Anything For Love But I Won't Do That').

1984 - kanadska pevka Avril Lavigne ('Complicated).