In 1952 the Slovenian mountaineer Viki Grošelj is born. Foto:
In 1952 the Slovenian mountaineer Viki Grošelj is born. Foto:

In 1875 the French composer Georges Bizet dies. He is known primarily for the opera Carmen, which is one of the most frequently performed works.

In 1906 the French singer and dancer Josephine Baker is born. She was a campaigner for better and fairer relations in the world, and a member of many international organizations to combat racism.

In 1924 in Kierlin near Vienna the Austrian writer Franz Kafka is born. In his works, he depicted a lonely modern man living with his fears. Among his most famous are The Transformation, The Stoker, The Trial, The Castle and America.

In 1952 the Slovenian mountaineer Viki Grošelj is born.

In 1970, scientists at the University of Wisconsin created the world’s first synthetic gene, demonstrating science’s ability to manipulate the chemical components of life.

In 1986 Spanish professional tennis player Rafael Nadal is born.
In 2009 American actor David Carradine dies. He is best known for his leading role in the 1970s television series Kung Fu and in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill.


1967 - Aretha Franklin is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Respect'.

1967 - The Doors 'Light My Fire' was released in the US.

1970 - Deep Purple released their fourth studio album 'Deep Purple In Rock'.

1989 - Queen launched their 6th album 'The Miracle', and sweep to the top of the British charts.

1995 - Bryan Adams started a five week run at No. 1 on the US singles chart with 'Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman'.

2001 - Shaggy started is No. 1 on the UK singles chart with 'Angel'.


1942 - Curtis Mayfield, US singer (1965 'Lilies Of The Field').

1950 - Suzi Quatro, vocals (Stumblin' In').

1956 - Danny Wilde, singer in the group The Rembrandts (‘I’ll Be There For You’).



Leta 1723 se je rodil italijanski zdravnik in naravoslovec Giovanni Antonio Scopoli. Raziskoval je naravo in leta 1760 izdal knjigo Flora carniolica, prvo znanstveno delo o naravi Slovenije.

Leta 1875 je umrl francoski skladatelj Georges Bizet. Znan je predvsem po operi Carmen, ki je eno najbolj pogosto izvajanih del.

Leta 1906 se je rodila francoska pevka in plesalka Josephine Baker. Bila je borka za boljše in pravičnejše odnose v svetu, članica številnih mednarodnih organizacij za boj proti rasizmu.

Leta 1924 je v Kierlinu pri Dunaju umrl avstrijski pisatelj Franz Kafka. V svojih delih je upodobil osamljenega modernega človeka z njegovimi življenjskimi strahovi.

Leta 1952 se je rodil alpinist Viki Grošelj, Slovenec z največ osvojenimi osemtisočaki. Prvega je osvojil leta 1975, ko je slovenskim alpinistom uspelo preplezati južno steno Makaluja in se priključiti najboljšim alpinističnim narodom. Skupaj jih je osvojil deset.

Leta 1970 so na univerzi v Wisconsinu znanstveniki prvič ustvarili gen. Del kromosoma, ki nosi dedno informacijo je leta 1909 tako poimenoval danski botanik Johannsen.

Leta 1986 se je rodil teniški igralec Rafael Nadal.
Leta 2009 je umrl David Carradine, legenda serije Kung Fu in filma Ubila bom Billa.


1967 - Aretha Franklin je na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Respect'.

1967 - The Doors izdajo singl 'Light My Fire'.

1970 - Deep Purple izdajo svoj četrti album 'Deep Purple In Rock'.

1989 - Queen so na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'The Miracle'.

1995 - Bryan Adams je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman'.

2001 - Shaggy je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Angel'.


1942 - Curtis Mayfield, ameriški pevec ('Lilies Of The Field').

1950 - pevka Suzi Quatro (Stumblin' In').

1956 - Danny Wilde, pevec v skupini The Rembrandts (‘I’ll Be There For You’).